
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

50 weeks old baby's physical-mental developments and baby care

During 50th week your baby sense of independency is cute much clear by this time in your child. However, he/she goes for it only when he wants it. Babies are normally very moody as at one time they want to have your attention and at the other they simply ignore you playing on their own. You may be ready to collapse at the end of the day, but your baby is too excited by his/her new accomplishments to sleep. During his/her last feeding, hold him/her in your arms in a darkened room and gently rock him/her while singing. By establishing a relaxing bedtime ritual, he(she)'ll soon be able to expect and appreciate the break from his/her intense day. 

Your baby is eating solid foods, it's important that you know how many calories he/she needs each day to grow strong and healthy without over-feeding him/her. A one-year-old child needs approximately 1200 to 1300 calories each day, or about 40 calories for each inch of height. There are so many empty calorie foods on the market today and childhood obesity is rampant in the United States, so it's important to establish a healthy diet early.

Week 50 Milestones 

The language of your baby by now may be raised up to ten words. However, this may not be true for some other babies. Different babies have different ways to communicate, so if your baby hasn’t yet able to speak many words, he/she still be able to convey his/her needs through certain other means. Don’t worry, if your baby doesn’t speak more than a couple of words. He/she will learn them over time. Just give him/her some time to improve his/her memory. For one year olds, moving their hands is often easier than putting two or three syllables together to create a word. This is especially true if you started signing with your baby as a form of communication early on in his/her infancy. 

Ask your doctor to check your toddler’s development if: 


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