
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Newborn Baby's 27th Week(7month): baby is strong enough and sits well unsupported

27 weeks old, babies normally are able to pull themselves all the way up into a sitting position without any head lag. Most babies who are this age also need about 3 1/2 hours of sleep during the daytime, which may be spread out into several smaller rests or two longer ones. 

There is a big change in the relationship between your child and his/her food this month. Most parents will choose this month to move up to Stage 2 or even Stage 3 baby foods, which include chunkier versions of the baby's favorites as well as some beef and chicken installments. Most babies at this age are able to communicate their needs and wants properly clearly, even though they cannot yet speak one word of true language. 

Most 7-month-old babies are also able to pull themselves all the way up to a sitting position without any head lag, which is quite an accomplishment given the fact that baby's head accounts for about 25 percent of their body weight .  

Monday, July 30, 2012

Newborn Baby's 26th Week(6 months): You can help to develop language skills

During 26th week of your newborn baby may start to repeat consonant-vowel combinations, such as "ma-ma" and "cha-cha"

your 26-week-old baby may be ready to start mingling with other children. Research has proposed that these early social meetings actually do have a positive impact on later social skill development. Six-month-old babies are really exciting to play with because they are a slice stronger and more coordinated than they were when they were newborns. 

This week your baby will help his/her learn the basic sounds and simple words in his/her language. Reading short and simple books or stories to his/her is a great way to spend time together. The sound of your voice is still your baby's most favorite sound in the world. 

Your infant has grown quickly over the past months. It is quite common around the sixth month for this rate of growth to slow down slightly. At 26th week, your baby is likely able to pull up to a sitting position without any head lag. This week your baby turning to sounds and voices and may begin to respond to his/her own name and beginning to imitate speech sounds and talk in single syllables. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Newborn Baby's 25th Week: babies develop skills using different methods

This week your baby have come a long way together. The first half of his/her first year is nearly complete, and you have both learned a huge amount. By this time, most 6-month-old babies are able to sit up on their own and Stay up. While creeping from place to place may still be weeks away, if there is a goal in that little mind, your baby can most likely get himself to his/her destination through a variety of little tricks that he/she has mastered along the way. 

By week 25 you may see the baby begin to do things like move from a seated position to lean forward onto his/her hands, rolling or bottom scooting. You can probably estimate from the name what bottom scooting looks like. In a seated position, these infants will use one hand behind their bottom and one hand in front, to scoot across the room. 

Even though babies develop skills using different methods and on different schedules.  Many babies at this point may be able to pick up small items including small food pieces, slice food like Cheerios to feed himself. It is your sole responsibility to keep an eye on things which are in reach of your baby. Don’t let the things placed in baby reach that are harmful for your babies and small enough to be accepted.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Newborn Baby's 24th Week: Human interaction is incredibly important for baby's development

During 24th week of newborn baby’s teeth will be developed. 24-week-old baby may be able to support his/her own weight by standing straight on his/her legs. 6-month-old baby is still waking up in the middle of the night to be fed, you may want to slowly decrease the amount you feed him/her to eliminate this feeding altogether. 

Your baby's weight at this point can be anywhere from double to triple his/her birth weight. When 6 months old, the average baby boy will weigh 7.71 Kg, and the average baby girl will weigh just about 7.26Kg.
By 6 months, many babies are able to support their own weight by standing upright on their legs -- with your help for balance, of progress. Most babies have stopped needing the midnight feeding by 6 months. If you and your baby are not yet sleeping through the night because of the middle-of-the-night feeding, it could be that your baby is waking up out of habit and not true appetite. This week Human interaction is incredibly important for baby's development.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 23rd Week: baby will receive the Hib vaccine

During 23rd week of newborn baby is probably talking up a storm, flapping, crowing, representing facial expressions and putting multiple syllables together. Your baby's first few weeks and months, she/he was gaining weight impartially fast. A good healthy food is a really vital for your baby growth. Marketable baby foods available in the markets are similarly good for your baby as they don’t contain preservatives, added sugar or salt and above all these are available in meal sized portions for your baby that makes things further convenient for parents.

This week your baby is around 5 months old, He/she will have a definite partiality to you over anyone else. This development, also known as separation anxiety, comes from a preference for you and a dislike to new faces. This may also be an important time to review your 23-week-old baby's upcoming vaccinations

At his/her 6-month checkup, your baby will receive the Hib vaccine, to prevent bacterial meningitis. Babies at this age are jumping from milestone to milestone almost daily. They are beginning to learn how to move themselves around, even if it is just to roll over or shimmy a few edges.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 22nd Week: clever to sleep through the night without feeding

During 22 week of newborn babies are clever to sleep through the night without feeding in the middle of the night. Whether your baby will break asleep for the whole night is another issue entirely. For most, however, hunger should not wake them during the night. 

This week Babies are involved by faces, eyes, noses, mouths, even glasses. This week your baby have introduced foods other than baby cereal, your baby might be bright to pick up a small piece in his/her hand and bring it to his/her mouth to eat.

In 22 week of newborn babies do become more exciting and strong. This week your baby is stirring up late in the morning to make up for lost sleep at night, begin to wake him/her up at a previous hour each day to help encourage sleep at night. This week your baby may start showing signs of one of her/his first major emotional signs stranger anxiety. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 21st Week: baby learns more about communication and verbal

During 21st week your child continues to be more and more active. This week your baby learns more about communication and verbal, you will begin to hear more and more two syllable sounds, such as “mama” or “dada (cha-cha)” or even “poppop”.  

21st week of baby’s physical developments are might start seeing some teeth. Your baby is just practicing his/her language skills by adding new sounds to his/her range. At this age, your baby may become so fascinated by one of his/her newfound abilities that he/she may get fixed on it for a while. Your baby will probably prefer to master one skill before moving to the next.  During this week you will need his/her milk feeds – you need to still give the baby a minimum of 16-20 ounces a day.

Newborn baby make sure all dangerous materials are out of reach of your 21-week-old baby, as his/her improved eye-hand coordination allows his/her to reach for and grasp nearby objects. Many 5-month-old babies also seem to have a habit of placing everything in their mouth, so it is very important to keep dangerous objects such as dishwashing detergent and coins out of reach. This week he/she grows and is able to discover more, he/she learns more about his surroundings. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Shaping up your body after delivery: Useful Tips

Shaping up after delivery with some gentle exercising everyday your figure can return to normal in as little as 3months after the delivery, although your stomach muscles may not be as firm as before. 

Build up your exercise programme slowly at first as your ligaments are still soft and stretchy, and always stop straightaway if you feel pain or tiredness. It is best to exercise a little, but on a regular basis. Both fit and unfit new moms should ease into an exercise routine by taking 20-minute walks three days a week.

The following exercises into your daily routine, and continue for at least three months. Repeat each exercise as many times as is comfortable. Pelvic floor exercise helps strengthens the stomach muscles and makes the back more flexible. The pelvic tile is especially helpful if you suffer from backache.

Another exercise is to pull the muscles up and in as before, but to lift, squeeze and tighten the muscles quite quickly, as in the beat of a pulse and then release. Repeat five times, again breathing normally.  

Monday, July 23, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 20th Week: baby attracted by sounds and voices

An average week 20 baby will weigh around 6-7kilograms, and measure 25 to 25.5 inches. This is indeed a moving time for all parents as their baby grow and develop, and they begin to determine new things about their baby and his or her development. At over 20 weeks old, your baby should be very active, and will be displaying some more development in his or her single behavior. You'll notice a share more physical movement, actions, and even some babbling by your 5 months old child.

A baby at 20th week old is attracted by sounds and voices, and will turn their head toward the speaker. This week as you involve in conversation with your baby, he / she will pay attention and watch your lips and your mouth movements. He /she will show interest in colors and colorful objects.   

Physical Development in 20th week of newborn baby

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 19th Week: Babies at this time have much better hand and eye coordination

During 19 weeks, Your baby can be taking shorter and less sleeps during the day. It’s important to reminder that at this age, it’s not important when they attain their sleep, but that they are averaging about 11 - 14 hours of sleep each day. Your baby is developing stronger and sleeps less this week.

At 19 weeks, your baby doesn't mean everything by that sounds-he’s(she) purely setting consonants together with vowels. You can help him/her connect sounds with meanings by marking things: point to pictures in his/her books, touch his/her eyes, nose and mouth while naming them. 

The number and length of sleeps taken is not what is really important at this stage of your baby's life. What is new important is the total amount of sleep your baby is getting in a 24 hour period. Your baby should be getting approximately 14 hours of sleep at this point of life in a 24 hour period, but even that can vary. At 19 weeks old, your baby should be relatively active now, and influence even is a real handful at times. An average 19 week old baby weighs around 6 kilogram, and measure around 25 inches. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bottle Feeding Advantages and Tips

Bottle feeding has two advantages-your partner can also do it, and you can see how much milk your baby is taking. Your health visitor will watch your bottle fed baby’s weight carefully in case he/she is putting on too much weight because you are overfeeding. It is important to sterilize bottle carefully, and to follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely when making up a feed, formula that is too weak or too concentrated is harmful to your baby.

Bottles and nipples come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and types. Here are tips to help you figure out which one may work best for your baby. Before you first use new bottles, nipples, and rings, you should sterilize them by submerging them in a pot of boiling water for at least five minutes. Then allow them to dry on a clean towel. After that, a good cleaning in hot, soapy water or a cycle through the dishwasher is sufficient. One caveat: If you have well water, repeated sterilization of the bottles may be best.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Your newborn Baby's 18th Week: attracted by sounds and noises that surround them

An average baby at 18 weeks old weighs around 6.3 kilograms , and measure around 65.5 cm. With each passing week, your baby grows stronger and stronger. 

Sometimes you might be speculating if your baby is growing at all as he or she looks to be the same size for a period of time. Then at other times, your baby seems to go through a huge growth spurt that totally catches you off picket. By this time, your child should be able to sit a little with care and help from you. Your baby should be having an easy time with belly play time, and should be able to easily hold his or her up and even look around them while lying on their belly. 

During this week your baby will be noticing their hands and feet, and you may see them holding their hands together, or you may see them taking their feet and toes. With better hand and eye direction, your baby will also attempt to reach for objects and grab on to them. Your child is also be attracted by sounds and noises that surround them, and will turn their head towards the direction where they hear sounds coming from - such as your voice. During this period, your baby enjoys social interactions, and may even reach their arms up asking you to pick him or her up. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 17th Week: Curiosity and Strength have grown greatly

17 week old baby should include feedings every 4 hours during the day. This week your baby is dynamically interacting with his/her world. Reaching for people and things is currently a fairly common behavior. He/she may enjoy interacting with people baby is familiar with fair as much as interacting with a new contact for the first time. For babies that start on a tedious from the beginning, it’s very easy for them to change from a 3 hour to a four hour routine. Your little boy may need to ease into a four hour routine. You would do this by applying a firm 3 hour routine then extending it to 3 ½ hours and on to 4 hours. Be sure to offer full feedings in less than 30 minutes.
When your baby is 17 weeks old, it may be time to start presenting solid foods. One way to tell if Your 4-month-old baby is ready for solid food is if they have lost the extrusion or tongue-thrust reaction. All babies have this reaction early on in life that allows them to push anything out of their mouth other than a nipple. This is also a good point in time to make sure your home is baby proofed.

Major Developments for 17-Week-Old Baby getting for and actively working to get a certain toy or object is the next big thing to watch for. Your 4-month-old baby should continue receiving breast milk or the infant formula that best decides with the baby’s digestive system and nutritional needs as defined by his/her healthcare provider. Two things have grown greatly for your baby: Curiosity and Strength. This week your baby may start to make a construction between the movements of your mouth and the sounds he/she hears. In other words, the baby may be able to lip read.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 16th Week: baby becomes more and more responsive of his/her settings

During 16th week of baby boy, on average, will weigh just completed 6.8 kilograms, and the average baby girl will weigh around 6.2 kilograms. This week you may have observed that your baby watches his/her own hands. This skill takes hold somewhere between 16 weeks. Although you know that your baby's been able to see since birth, it's taken all these weeks for his/her to actually take sign of his/her own hands. Your 16th week of baby’s weight has risen yet again with no table in sight.

As your 16th week of baby becomes more and more responsive of his/her settings, you might notice the baby reaching for more household items. As new qualities and sounds begin to conspiracy his/her, you might begin to sign a new detail that baby might be involved to. Grown-up things! Remotes, calculators, and telephones- you name it. He/she may want to examine all of the things that baby has seen you "playing" with.

Baby massaging is one of the newest and fastest growing trends. Massaging babies started with preemies as a way to help them to gain asset and become more responsive. It has recently been discovered that for older babies and children massaging can also help with muscle development, teething problems, and colic.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Feeding your baby

Breastfeeding is recommended for all infants with very few exceptions, because breastfeed babies are generally healthier, with fewer ear, chest, gastrointestinal, and urine infections. They also suffer fewer allergies, and suffer less from asthma, eczema, diabetes, and obesity. Breastfeeding also has benefits for you. Nursing your baby immediately after delivery reduces the risk of excessive uterine bleeding, and continuing to breastfeed helps you return to your pre- pregnancy weight more quickly. 

The first feed will be prepared up of colostrum - this special milk is low in fat, and high in proteins and carbohydrates. It is also your baby's first immunization as it contains antibodies your body has produced to help keep your baby healthy. It is particularly easy to digest, and is therefore the perfect first food for your baby. It is low in volume but high in concentrated nutrition for the newborn. Colostrum has a emetic effect on the baby, helping him pass his early stools, which aids in the excretion of excess bilirubin and helps prevent jaundice.

Breast milk contains substances that help protect your baby from disease until his /her immune system has matured. These also protect against allergies, which is important if there is an allergy in your family.  Breast milk has the right amount and quality of nutrients to suit your baby’s first food needs. It is easiest on her digestive system, so there’s less chance of constipation or diarrhea. Breast milk also contains antibodies and other immune factors that help your baby avoid and combat off illness better.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 15th Week: baby is ready for his/her first taste of hard food

Your 15-week-old baby has possibly grown quite a bit, filling out with appropriate cheeks and a thick middle. The 15th week of baby is no longer the helpless little baby he/she once was, and is more than likely a lot more fun to be everywhere. If you haven't done so by currently, it may be a good time to get back to which you are, and take a little time to go out and do some of the things you love doing but haven't had the time to do lately.

This month you may be wondering whether your baby is ready for his/her first taste of hard food. Babies this age may be able to work out all the basic sounds that make up the verbal oral at home. Your baby may start saying ma-ma and da-da this month. But this month he/she may actually be able to pick up and hold on to big toys such as shop lumps. Your baby might need your help to let go of them, though. 

This month your baby is due to have his/her third set of immunizations. He/she’ll be given three injections to protect him/her against severe infective viruses such as diphtheria, polio, and meningitis C. Your baby, like all babies, will display on a diet of love, milk and sufficiently of sleep. But he/she’s growing so rapidly that possibly there are other things you could do to make sure the baby has everything he/she needs to flourish.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 14th Week: most suitable toys for this age

At 14 weeks, sturdy objects suspended within an arm's length of your baby make good toys. During this time, try to be tolerant when you hand him/her a toy. Give him/her plenty of time as he/she painfully tries to reach out and hold it. Practicing this sort of hand-eye coordination is important for his/her development. 

Until 14th week of newborn baby , he/she looks at objects without touching them and fingers items absently without looking at them. Then, the two systems for examining the world rage. The baby feels something and turns his/her head to see what it is. He/she sees something interesting and reaches out to learn more about it by touch. This is the beginning of your baby's fourth month of life. 

This week he/she first attempts at hand contact consist of broad digs. His/her entire arm sweeps in a grand signal as he/she bats at, and occasionally contacts, an object. The process of gaining coordination of her arms begins closest to his/her body-at the shoulder. Your baby is now four month old and growing quickly. Up till now you have also managed to get back onto a routine life. It is now the time to get some correct toys for your baby suitable for his age. Always choose toys which are safe and learning-oriented for your baby.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 13th Week: baby's breathing will become clearer as they grow and develop

Each week your newborn baby will grow fast and stronger. Speaking of his/her favorite toy, by week 13, the baby may be winking at his/her toys when they come into his/her field of vision, or baby may even be picking up that toy for himself (herself). Not only is the baby alternative that toy up, he/she is probably studying it thoroughly, with his/her eyes and his/her mouth. 

Newborn babies have a limited capacity to regulate their own body temperature. They are unable to shake and only have mature sweat glands in their head, neck, hands and feet. 

This week your baby's breathing will become clearer as they grow and develop. In 13th week of newborn baby may be displaying some early signs of teething, such as increased saliva production, hand biting, and increased eating on things. This week your baby has now developed longer sleeping sessions as his/her feeding has increased as well as the storing capacity so that he/she continued asleep during the whole night without waking up for short feeding as he/she did few weeks earlier. The baby is now slowly developing some sense of day and night times as well. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 12th Week: baby is able to eat and store more food to get through the night

During 12th week of newborn baby can also bring his/her hands together, look at them, and then put them to his/her mouth to taste. Let him experiment with these wonderful tools by offering different textures for him to feel a velvet scarf or a rubbery toy. As your baby heads into his 12th week, take heart that the baby will likely not be receiving any infant immunizations this month. In the meantime, this might be a good time to learn a little about the immunizations that are typically given at the upcoming 4-month well baby visit.

The HIB vaccine is one of those shots given to infants at 4 months. This vaccine defends primarily against influenza type B, which is the bacterium that causes HIB disease. HIB disease can affect many different parts of the body, including the lungs, the brain, and the ears. Up to 6 percent of cases result in death and 20 percent of remaining patients have permanent hearing loss or other long-term complications. Because of the HIB vaccine, cases of HIB disease have decreased by 99 %.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 11th Week: baby is sleeping less and awake for longer periods of the day

During 11th week of newborn baby to lift his/her head by taking his/her follow an interesting toy. At this age, your baby is sleeping less, and she/he is awake for longer periods of the day. She/he is nervous to learn about her world and family, and she may not always be interested in your choice of game. If she/he turns his/her head and looks away, she/he is announcing she/he is ready to move on to something else.

This week your baby can be able to turn his/her head to look at you when the baby hears your voice. She/he may also be able to keep his/her head steady, and in line with the rest of her body, when he/she is drawn up to a supported, seated position. This is also an important time for your baby to have quality belly period a few times a day. If an 11-week-old baby spends too much time on the back, the baby may develop flat head pattern, which can potentially delay the development of the motor skills and strength needed to complete many early tasks such as rolling over, sitting up, and pushing up.

This week your baby Stepping or Walking Reflex, if you hold your baby standing under his/her arms and lower his/her onto a smooth surface the baby will make a walking movement with his/her legs. If you you hold your baby straight near a step, she/he lifts his/her foot to ‘step up’. This week your baby is starting to exercise a little self-control. When the baby is crying and you respond by creating a humorous face or talking softly, the baby will be able to settle down, stop crying, and finally give you a great big, toothless smile.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 10th Week: baby is becoming more and more interactive; smiling, cooing, and laughing

During 10th week of your newborn baby’s physical development, he/she is decided to every expression you create and will try to copy you.

This week your baby is becoming more and more interactive; smiling, cooing, and laughing may be common now. This period you may also want to take some time to gently expanse your baby. Two great ways to do this are to gently clap your baby’s hands together , or give your baby’s arms crossed, out wide, and overhead. You can also gently move your baby’s legs as if they were cycling a bicycle. This week your baby begins to cry, and nobody not rocking, swaddling, or any other comfort measure gets her to stop.

This week your baby will have developed some sleeping patterns by now. Imaginably they fall asleep straight after their first morning feed, or this is when they like to stay up. Mid-morning may be an unsettled, wakeful time for them and you have trouble encouraging them to go off to sleep. The afternoons may find you treading the pavements and pushing them in their pram because this is the only place they will settle. Sleep changes constantly throughout a child’s life. It is not a fixed or steady condition and does reflect other changes going on in their lives.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 9 Week: baby will identify your voice and choose it to any other voice

During 9th week of your newborn baby’s development in the field of speech and language starts in the womb where your unborn baby catches your voice and everyday sounds around your home.

After birth your baby will identify your voice and choose it to any other voice. Your baby's world is alive with the sound of music this week. Sounds interest him or her, especially high tones and fields. She/he is also interested in hearing you talk, and will stare intently at your mouth as you speak to him/her. She/he may even reply with clucking. 

This week your baby is first born, he/she will sleep more than be stirring. They sleep about 16 hours per day and wake time includes any feedings. As the weeks go by, they will be able to break up longer, but still sleep 14-16 hours in a 24-hour period by one month of age. By 3 months old, the average amount of sleep in 24 hours is still 14 hours.

After 2 or 3 days you will begin to notice your baby's stools lighten in color as milk starts to be absorbed. The colostrum that breast fed babies first receives from their mothers actually helps to dismiss the meconium from their system quicker.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's Eight Week: they start 'sleeping through the night'

During 8th week of newborn baby’s physical development includes holding things in his/her hands at this point. Stick a rattle in his/her palm and watch his/her little fingers close around it. This week your baby's infant vision is improving and he/she is starting to distinguish colors more now, so surround him/her with complex designs and bright, colorful objects. 

Newborn babies need lots of sleep but they also need to fill their tiny tummies at regular intervals. It's only when they can last for six to eight hours without a night feed that they start 'sleeping through the night'. In the first weeks of life, babies sleep for an average of 16 to 18 hours a day. A newborn will usually sleep for two to four hours at a time, wake up for a feed and short play and then drop off again. Your baby's feeding and sleep cycles will usually be the main focus for both you and your newborn baby. Newborns are very sensitive to bright light and are more likely to open their eyes in low light.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's Seventh Week: senses of vision, hearing and touch will develop

During 7th week of newborn baby’s hands should be mostly open now — ready to reach out to the world. Your baby's brain will grow about 5 centimeters during his/her first three months. Your baby is waiting up and alert for longer times.  

This week your baby force is able to track objects moving past the middle of her face now. That means he/she can watch as you slowly move a toy from one side of his/her field of view to the other. This week your baby may enjoy gentle music, be careful to avoid over-motivation. 

This week your baby’s senses of vision, hearing, and touch develop, and he's(she) increasingly able to gross in the world around him/her. Newborns sleep a lot — typically 14 to 18 hours a day during the first week and 12 to 16 hours a day by the time they're a month old. But most babies don't stay asleep for more than two to four hours at a time, day or night, during the first few weeks of life. 

At 6 to 8 weeks of age, most babies begin to sleep for shorter periods during the day and longer periods at night, though most continue to get up to feed during the night. For the first six to eight weeks, most babies aren't able to break up much longer than two hours at a time. If you wait longer than that to put your baby down, he/she may be overtired and have distress falling asleep. 
Your newborn baby's sleep and wake patterns will revolve around their daily needs of feeding, nappy changing, bathing and sleeping. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's Sixth Week: some breast-fed babies reduce the frequency of their bowel movements

At birth, a baby can weigh between 6 lbs and 9 lbs on average, there are many factors that can donate to variations in the newborn's weight, including the gestational age of the baby at birth, the size of the parents, if the baby shared the womb with relatives, the baby's gender and the mother's health during pregnancy

Infants should grow at a relatively steady rate after birth, making it difficult to identify exactly what a baby should weigh at six weeks of age. A baby's birth weight sets the standard for weight gain for the next year. When a baby is above or below average in weight at birth, then he/she may continue to be so at six weeks of age.

This week they are a system of responding and communicating to you. All babies are different and may gain at a faster or slower pace than their nobles, depending on various factors. Some babies may not establish a strong feeding routine by the sixth week. Your baby is also starting to discover his or her body and what it's capable of, lifting the head up, discovering the hands and how they move. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's Fifth Week: Umbilical cord needs special care to keep it from getting infected

For the first few weeks, your baby’s umbilical cord needs special care to keep it from getting infected. If your baby boy has been circumcised, his penis also desires to be protected from infection. Your baby gets everything he needs to live and grow through the umbilical cord. At birth this cord is clamped-off close to his body and cut. To help the base dry out and fall off, keep the stump uncovered by folding the diaper below the umbilical cord stump. Folding down his diaper keeps urine from getting on the stump and leaks it to air. Until the stump falls off and the raw spot heals, clean the base of the stump with cotton sloped swab and rubbing alcohol each time you change his diaper and at bath time. Dip the cotton swab in alcohol and clean at the base where the base meets the skin. 

A newborn’s head is the heaviest part of his/her body and makes up about 1/4 of his total body length. At birth, his/her neck muscles are not strong enough to support his/her head. The neck muscles will become strong enough after a few months. Until then, when you hold your baby, place one hand behind his/her head for support.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's Fourth Week: baby's sense of taste is well-developed

This week your baby's sense of taste is well-developed. Baby's nose develops right around the beginning of the 4th week. A newborn baby will begin exciting its head and looking from side to side. Your newborn baby won't be able to fully extend his arms and legs. Your child may be giving you lots of smiles now as a normal part of baby's physical development. All babies grow and develop at different rates

Babies to vomit frequently in the early weeks as they adjust to feeding and as their bodies develop. By the end of the month your baby will most definitely be able to lift and hold his/her head off the floor slightly, for a small period of time during belly time. By this point some babies can lift their heads to about a 45 degree angle, and there is a rare that can even lift their heads to a 90 degree angle.

Your baby's umbilical cord should have decreased off, and it is now time to have his/her first real bath. Begin by washing his/her face then work your way down the body and remember to clean the genital area from front to back, to help prevent infections. Remember to keep wiping the warm water. Your baby's ears will produce earwax, just as your do, as this is a normal body process. Your baby’s stomach won’t be able to grasp much milk at any one time which is why they will need to feed frequently. Your baby’s feeding and sleep will be closely linked at 3 weeks and it can be incredible to separate them. It is so common for young babies to go to sleep when they are feeding that this is considered normal behavior. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Diabetes Control during Pregnancy

Diabetes control is important for people who have diabetes successful into their pregnancy as well as people who develop diabetes during their pregnancy. 

It is common for pregnant women to develop some loss of glucose acceptance during pregnancy. With the increase in circulating blood volume and metabolites, often the pancreas has a difficult time with the increased demands to supply insulin to help maintain proper blood sugar levels. In about 10 to 20 percent of cases, women will develop a condition known as gestational diabetes, in which blood sugar levels are too high. This condition requires careful medical monitoring and diet control. Blood glucose control is one of the most important factors during pregnancy. Tight blood glucose control, helps to ensure the best chance of a successful pregnancy. The condition occurs in approximately 4% of all pregnancies.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's Third Week: Umbilical cord should have decreased off

This week your baby will be weighing around 8 1/2 pounds and measuring 20 inches .By the end of this week, your baby may lift his/her head temporarily and possibly move it from side to side when he/she's lying on his/her stomach.

Her nervous system and muscle control will mature and her rough movements will become more fluid. Babies should sleep on their back, but they also need to spend time on their stomach every day to strengthen their neck muscles, which help them push up, roll over, sit up, and creep. Your baby is now sleeping 16-18 hours per day. Your baby is ready for more complex shapes as his vision, ability to focus, and concentration improve rapidly. 

The third week your baby's umbilical cord should have decreased off, and it is now time to have his/her first real bath. Begin by washing his/her face then work your way down the body and remember to clean the genital area from front to back, to help prevent infections. Remember to keep wiping the warm water. Your baby's ears will produce earwax, just as your do, as this is a normal body process. Colic is defined as a baby crying non-stop at least three hours a day, three days a week, and for at least three weeks.  Colic is a condition in which a baby has periods of sudden loud crying and obsessiveness that often lasts for hours. About 20% of babies suffer from colic and it usually sets in about 2 weeks after birth until the baby is 3-4 months old. Your baby's senses have been at work.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's Second Week: The average sleep about 16 hours a day

Your baby will probably have two to four long sleep times and as many as eight to ten hours of awake time in 24 hours.

Newborns tend to look at your eyebrows, your hairline, or your moving mouth. Your newborn will use most of his time either sleeping or eating. At first, wake your baby for a feeding if he is sleeping for more than four hours. Your baby will probably have redeemed most or all of the weight that he/she lost in his/her first week.

During the first two weeks one of your jobs when changing your baby's diaper will be compelling care of his umbilical cord.  By now your baby's cord stump will have separated and dropped off. Your baby may still have a small, raw area in its navel where the cord was attached. Air drying will help this area to heal.

Your newborn will begin to increase a little strength in his/her neck muscles and may be able to raise his/her head slightly when dishonest on his/her tummy. Baby's arm and leg movements will regularly become smoother, and they will lose some of the irregularity present in the first week. Your newborn is still figuring out what those arms and legs are for! And probably won't loosen that one for some time yet. Babies are very responsive to gentle touching. So spend time gently caressing your baby.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's First Week: may lose up to 7% of birth weight

 Your new baby will use much of his/her time sleeping during these weeks. This week is referred to as quiet alert because your baby is often just looking around quietly. Normal newborns may lose up to 7% of birth weight in the first few days. Your baby will eventually sleep through the night.

Your Newborn baby will probably look scrunched up for a while, with his/her arms and legs not fully extended. For the first few days after birth, your baby's bowel movement will be sticky and greenish-black. This substance, called meconium, is perfectly normal. 

The first 'little stools' your baby has will likely be black in color. These stools are referred to as meconium. The color of and reliability of your babies stool will change to reproduce the way you have chosen to nourish your baby. If you are breastfeeding your baby his stools are likely to be yellowish in color, and very loose. The color can be from yellowish, to brown, and possibly much firmer, making it seem like your baby is constipated when she/he is trying to have a bowel movement. The frequency of a baby's bowel movement varies from a few times a week, to once a day, or even every diaper change.