
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 9 Week: baby will identify your voice and choose it to any other voice

During 9th week of your newborn baby’s development in the field of speech and language starts in the womb where your unborn baby catches your voice and everyday sounds around your home.

After birth your baby will identify your voice and choose it to any other voice. Your baby's world is alive with the sound of music this week. Sounds interest him or her, especially high tones and fields. She/he is also interested in hearing you talk, and will stare intently at your mouth as you speak to him/her. She/he may even reply with clucking. 

This week your baby is first born, he/she will sleep more than be stirring. They sleep about 16 hours per day and wake time includes any feedings. As the weeks go by, they will be able to break up longer, but still sleep 14-16 hours in a 24-hour period by one month of age. By 3 months old, the average amount of sleep in 24 hours is still 14 hours.

After 2 or 3 days you will begin to notice your baby's stools lighten in color as milk starts to be absorbed. The colostrum that breast fed babies first receives from their mothers actually helps to dismiss the meconium from their system quicker.
Your baby's growth and development during the first year is both delightful with all the crying and feeding and diapering, you've got your hands full. Here's your guide to your baby's first year and all its major milestones (first smile, giggle, step, and words), challenges (colic and teething and diaper rash) and more.

This week your baby’s commonly experienced by most newborns with incidences higher in 8th to 9th week of life. Most babies naturally have the capacity to pass the gas through belching or flatulence, but most instances, too much buildup of the gas can lead to a painful experience.
What should my baby wear? Useful Tips

Your Baby's First Year: Week by Week
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