
Friday, July 13, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 12th Week: baby is able to eat and store more food to get through the night

During 12th week of newborn baby can also bring his/her hands together, look at them, and then put them to his/her mouth to taste. Let him experiment with these wonderful tools by offering different textures for him to feel a velvet scarf or a rubbery toy. As your baby heads into his 12th week, take heart that the baby will likely not be receiving any infant immunizations this month. In the meantime, this might be a good time to learn a little about the immunizations that are typically given at the upcoming 4-month well baby visit.

The HIB vaccine is one of those shots given to infants at 4 months. This vaccine defends primarily against influenza type B, which is the bacterium that causes HIB disease. HIB disease can affect many different parts of the body, including the lungs, the brain, and the ears. Up to 6 percent of cases result in death and 20 percent of remaining patients have permanent hearing loss or other long-term complications. Because of the HIB vaccine, cases of HIB disease have decreased by 99 %.

This week you may announcement that your baby spends a lot more time watching what's going on and is becoming increasingly social. He/she will flash that sticky smile at any and every one, and show interest in colorful toys that make noise. Baby gyms with mats offer a comfortable place for overhead play as well as tummy time and will provide lots of entertainment and opportunities to explore and learn.

This week your baby is able to eat and store more food to get through the night, so the baby doesn't need to wake up for several meals. These springs may last up to six hours! While you may not consider this through the night, it's a vast improvement. Your baby is probably pushing up on those little arms regularly during tummy time. His/her legs are getting stronger too; if you pull his/her up to a supported standing position, the baby may be able to put some weight on both legs.

This week your baby was familiar with your voice while in the womb and now your baby is putting a face to the voice. The only organ that is still developing after birth is the brain and you have the pleasure to improve your child’s brain.  Your baby is learning about the world through the senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight).
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Your Baby's First Year: Week by Week
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