
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 11th Week: baby is sleeping less and awake for longer periods of the day

During 11th week of newborn baby to lift his/her head by taking his/her follow an interesting toy. At this age, your baby is sleeping less, and she/he is awake for longer periods of the day. She/he is nervous to learn about her world and family, and she may not always be interested in your choice of game. If she/he turns his/her head and looks away, she/he is announcing she/he is ready to move on to something else.

This week your baby can be able to turn his/her head to look at you when the baby hears your voice. She/he may also be able to keep his/her head steady, and in line with the rest of her body, when he/she is drawn up to a supported, seated position. This is also an important time for your baby to have quality belly period a few times a day. If an 11-week-old baby spends too much time on the back, the baby may develop flat head pattern, which can potentially delay the development of the motor skills and strength needed to complete many early tasks such as rolling over, sitting up, and pushing up.

This week your baby Stepping or Walking Reflex, if you hold your baby standing under his/her arms and lower his/her onto a smooth surface the baby will make a walking movement with his/her legs. If you you hold your baby straight near a step, she/he lifts his/her foot to ‘step up’. This week your baby is starting to exercise a little self-control. When the baby is crying and you respond by creating a humorous face or talking softly, the baby will be able to settle down, stop crying, and finally give you a great big, toothless smile.

This week if you are out of your baby’s sight and call to her/him, the baby will possibly turn and search for you. The baby is also gaining adequate neck strength and coordination so when you jerk him/her to a sitting position, the baby might be able to keep his/her head steady and in line with the rest of his/her body. By the end of the first year, full-body smiles are pretty much over, so enjoy them now. 

A full-body smile is just what the name implies; a smile that uses all of your baby's body. He/she may pleasure, wave his/her arms, and cry. There will be no mistaking that he/she is happy.  The time a baby takes to breastfeed can range from 10 to 20 minutes, up to 45 minutes to an hour on one breast, with feeds ranging from 6 to 12 times in a 24 hour period in the early weeks. Newborn babies often fluctuate with design or clustering up the frequency of their feeds at different times of the day and night.
Ideal weight gain in a New Born Baby  

Your Baby's First Year: Week by Week
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