
Monday, July 2, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's Second Week: The average sleep about 16 hours a day

Your baby will probably have two to four long sleep times and as many as eight to ten hours of awake time in 24 hours.

Newborns tend to look at your eyebrows, your hairline, or your moving mouth. Your newborn will use most of his time either sleeping or eating. At first, wake your baby for a feeding if he is sleeping for more than four hours. Your baby will probably have redeemed most or all of the weight that he/she lost in his/her first week.

During the first two weeks one of your jobs when changing your baby's diaper will be compelling care of his umbilical cord.  By now your baby's cord stump will have separated and dropped off. Your baby may still have a small, raw area in its navel where the cord was attached. Air drying will help this area to heal.

Your newborn will begin to increase a little strength in his/her neck muscles and may be able to raise his/her head slightly when dishonest on his/her tummy. Baby's arm and leg movements will regularly become smoother, and they will lose some of the irregularity present in the first week. Your newborn is still figuring out what those arms and legs are for! And probably won't loosen that one for some time yet. Babies are very responsive to gentle touching. So spend time gently caressing your baby.

Your baby's vision is slowly improving. Let him/her have time to continue to look at your face so he/she can get to know it. Babies always prefer to see parent's faces above anything else.

Young babies can often shock at the sound of a loud noise. Don't take this as your signal to keep the house quiet all the time when he/she sleeps because it is next to impossible. Newborn babies adapt quickly to noise and can sleep through most loud sounds. 

The average newborn sleeps about 16 hours a day, but some need much less sleep and some much more. Newborns cry, often for no specious reason. If you've made sure that your baby is fed, burped, warm, and dressed in a clean diaper, the best method is probably to hold her/him and talk or sing to him/her until he/she stops. 

A weight loss up to about 7 to 10 percent of birth weight is normal in the first two to three days after birth. However, the baby should have gained back to his / her birth weight by about the 9th or 10th day.
Beware about Newborn Jaundice

Your Baby's First Year: Week by Week
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