
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Rota Virus Vaccination for your baby

Severe diarrhoea disease in young children can cause very dangerous consequences such as child mortality. Rota viruses are the most common cause of this disease throughout the world. According to the study of World Health Organization(WHO), 527 000 infants and young children aged up to 5 years die each year from rotavirus infections which are vaccine-preventable.  
Most of these children live in developing countries.

Rotavirus is a virus that is simply spread with the stools of an infected person through hand to mouth contact. The virus causes inflammation of the linings of the gastroenteritis (intestine) and stomach, resulting in sickness and diarrhoea.
Rotarix and RotaTeq, Two oral, live, attenuated rotavirus vaccines are available internationally; and both vaccines are deliberately safe and effective in preventing gastrointestinal disease.

WHO recommends that rotavirus vaccine for infants should be included in all national immunization programmes. The first dose of either RotaTeq or Rotarix is directed to give at your infants 6–15 weeks. The maximum age for administering the last dose of either vaccine should be 32 weeks. Your good hygiene and sanitation don't effectively stop Rota virus disease, so immunization is the best resistance. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Typhoid Vaccine: What are the risks?

Typhoid Vaccine Live Oral
Typhoid is a serious disease. It is affected by salmonella typhi bacteria.

Typhoid causes a high fever, weakness, stomach pain, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite and rashes. Typhoid vaccine can prevent typhoid. There are two type of typhoid vaccine. One is an inactivated vaccine gotten as a shot, reduced vaccine which is taken orally. This vaccine should not be given to children younger than 2 years of age. Typhoid vaccine can be given along with other vaccine using separate syringe and separate site.

Typhoid is an endemic disease which can approximately affect any age group. However, more than 10 percent of these cases are found in infants of less than a year and the school going children and youngsters are most likely to be affected by this disease. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

42 Weeks Pregnancy: The baby will be born with long nails

During this week if you have had a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy. 42 weeks of pregnancy your baby is the baby can weigh anywhere from 6 to 10 pounds. Your 42 weeks pregnancy baby may also be born with skin discolorations such as peeling skin, dry coverings or a reddish rash. But it is completely harmless, so don't worry about it. 

The good news is that babies who bake this long are often born with very long fingernails and hair, so load up on those cute little hair bows! . This week your baby tests will be done at regular intervals while you wait to make sure that the ageing placenta is still providing enough nutrients and oxygen for the baby.  The baby is now ready to be born. The baby will be born with long nails. At this stage, the placenta could stop making the amniotic fluid. This could be a major concern for the doctor. If the pregnancy progresses past 42 week, the placenta is not able to provide the baby with oxygen or nutrients. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

41 Weeks of Pregnancy: If you do not get labor pains, you must visit your doctor

During this week your baby has continued to grow and may now weigh almost 8 pounds and 20 inches long. 41 weeks of pregnancy there are only few hairs remaining on baby's skin. All the internal organs are mature by now but the baby will continue to grow till delivery.

This week if you deliver vaginally, baby will make a series of movements in order to slope and slide across your pelvis. The baby is completely grown and ready to come out. All the organs of the baby are matured and the bones become strong. Only the brain and lungs mature after the birth of the baby. There is very little lanugo left on the baby’s skin. Some of the lanugo will remain behind the ears. You can continue counting the boosts of the baby. There should be about 10 boosts in 4 hours of time.
During the 41st week of pregnancy, you will still experience various changes in your body. You will feel the kicks and movements of the baby. If you do not get labor pains by this time, then you must visit doctor for a regular checkup. You can count the kicks in order to reassure yourself that your baby is fine. The inner part of your vagina may sting and burn due to the upside down position of the baby.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

40 Weeks of Pregnancy: Your baby is ready for life outside its mother's womb

During this week your baby is about 19-21 inches long and 6-10 pounds weighs. 40th week of pregnancy your baby’s bones are hard. This week your baby is ready for life outside its mother's womb. At birth the placenta will separate from the side of the uterus and the umbilical cord will finish working as the child takes the first breaths of air.

The child's breathing will initiate changes in the structure of the heart and bypass arteries which will force all blood to now travel through the lungs. 40th week of pregnancy your baby boy will be much larger as compared to a baby girl. Now your baby is very healthy and lying with its head downwards. All the bones of the baby will strengthen by this time leaving behind the baby’s skull. The skull brains need to continue soft so that they can pass through birth canal easily. The skull of new born baby looks like a cone for the first few days following birth. The baby starts developing immunities that are needed for existence. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

39 Weeks of Pregnancy: Your baby is almost certainly positioned with his head facing down and his bottom toward your ribs.

During this week your baby weighs are 7-7.5 pounds and 19-21 inches long. Your baby is almost certainly positioned with his head facing down and his bottom toward your ribs. The color of baby's skin is changing from a red-pink hue to a white or blue-pink color. Your baby’s l an exotic word for soft, downy hair that used to cover your baby's body has mostly disappeared, but you may find a bit leftover on the shoulders, forehead and neck. 

39 week of pregnancy your baby’s important organs are developed. Since your baby is fully mature at pregnancy week 39, he or she has reached their birth weight and length.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

38 Week of Pregnancy: Your baby is ready to enter the world

During this week your baby is 6.8 pounds weighs and 19 ½ inches long. Your baby influence just scratches her in the womb as the fingernails have grown over the fingertips now. Baby's lungs continue to mature and her brain and nerve function are working better every day.

Your baby's internal organs and systems are now fully developed. She/he is ready to enter the world. His/her once roomy home inside your uterus has become cramped, and he/she has little room to spring out his/her arms and legs. Your baby might still have vernix (that creamy coating that protects the skin), but it is generally confined to skin wrinkles and folds and the back and neck. 

Your baby has had the muscles to suck and swallow amniotic fluid; waste material has been accumulating in his or her intestines. Cells shed from the intestines, dead skin cells, and lanugo hair is some of the waste yields that donate to meconium, a greenish-black substance that constitutes your baby's first bowel movement.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

37 Week of Pregnancy: Your baby is fully matured and ready to be born

During this week your baby weighs 2.8 kilogram and 50 centimeter long from head to toe. The length of your baby is now 14 inches and the total length is around 21 inches. This week your baby’s head diameter is over 3.5 inches. 

37 week of pregnancy your baby is fully matured and ready to be born. Your baby is still growing and developing every day. This week your baby should absorb into your pelvic.  He/she lungs, now filled with amniotic fluid, are ready to take her first breaths of air. Her eyelids flutter open and shut preparing for her first view of you.

37 week pregnancy: Ultra Sound Scan Image
 37 week of pregnancy your uterus may be measuring about the same as it has been and is probably about 6.5 inches from the top of your bellybutton.  Your baby is still growing, but your abdomen and uterus won't change too much in the next few weeks. Some women gain 45 pounds during pregnancy and lose it in the blink of an eye after delivery. Still others gain 20 pounds during pregnancy and have a really hard time losing the last ten. Since you have gained some weight during your pregnancy.

Friday, June 22, 2012

36 Week of Pregnancy: Your baby will be measured full-term

During 36th week of pregnancy your baby is now weighs about 2.7 kilogram and 45 centimeter long from head to toe. Your baby’s body along with thick creamy substance called vernix caseosa begins to shed off.  

Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement. At the end of this week, your baby will be measured full-term. 36 week of pregnancy your baby’s soft nails have grown to the tips of his fingers and toes. The baby will gain about 28 gram in every day. In a boy, the testilces should have descended. The baby’s head will probably have descended in to the pelvis.  Your baby’s elbows and knees get a covering of a fat layer and this formation also progresses towards the other areas like that in the neck and the wrists.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

35 Week of Pregnancy: Your uterus is a whopping six inches above your belly button

During 35th week of pregnancy your baby is continue to  grow it measures 17-18 inches long and weighs 5 ½ -6 pounds. He/she kidneys are completely developed.  This week your baby’s brain will be developed. 35 week of pregnancy the fat deposits are now beginning to offer form fullness to your baby’s legs and arms. Your baby’s lungs are completely developed.

35 week of pregnancy your baby’s heart almost developed your baby's heart rate will be monitored closely during labour to check whether baby is coping well or becoming distressed. During contractions, the heart rate may slow down, which is normal. If the heart rate slows down too much or for too long, it's a sign to the midwife that medical intervention may be required.

The level of amniotic fluid in your womb already reached its maximum a few weeks ago, so space is becoming limited for your little one.  Your baby is currently practicing sucking movements, often sucking on his thumb or the back of the hand.  her/his liver can also process some waste products. The lungs are mature so that he/she can breathe without any complication. The baby’s finger nails and toe nails have developed completely by this week. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

34 Week of Pregnancy: Your diet will need to be slightly change

During this week your baby’s now weighs about 4 ¾ pounds and is almost 18 inches long.  Your baby’s central nervous system is maturing and his/her lungs are continuing to mature. your baby begins to develop her own immune system, instead of relying solely on antibodies received through the placenta.

34 week of pregnancy your baby’s lungs should be fully developed.  She/he has learned to blink and can see better when a bright light is shined on your stomach. She/he recognizes voice and sound patterns from the outside world and is most comforted by the sound of your voice.

The level of amniotic fluid in the uterus has reached its maximum, and this amount of amniotic fluid will stay the same until you're full-term.  The central nervous system is continuing to mature, and the lungs are well developed. By this week, your baby may have lost much of her lanugo hair and the layer of vernix on her body is thickening.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

33 Week Pregnancy: Your weight gained in 25-30 pounds

During 33 week of pregnancy your baby’s weighs about 2 kilograms and measures almost 44 centimeter from head to toe. This week your baby’s skin is also increasingly becoming less red and wrinkled.

33 week of pregnancy your baby’s respiratory system is almost completely mature. This week the bones in your baby skull are soft and are not yet fused together. 33 week of pregnancy your baby’s senses are continue to develop. This week your baby’s brain is maturing and increasing in size. 33 week of pregnancy the part of your baby’s brain is starting to function. The area of the brain is responsible for making sense of sound, the region of the brain that processes visual information and the part of the brain that is involved in speech and language processing.

Monday, June 18, 2012

32 Week of Pregnancy: You should be aware against Placenta Previa

During 32 week of pregnancy your baby now weighs almost 1.7 kilograms and 42 centimeters long from head to toe. 32 week of pregnancy your baby a boy, his testicles has probably moved into his scrotum. This period your baby’s skin is becoming smooth and he/she plumps up in preparation for birth. This week your baby is gaining weight and he/she skeleton is fully formed. This week your baby can move his /her head to the side.

32 week of pregnancy your baby’s fingernails have grown long enough that they reach the tip of his/her fingers. Your baby face is more mature and developed. Your baby may even be smiling. This week your baby bone is very soft. This week your baby’s organs are functioning well, with the exception of the lungs.  He/she lungs are growing stronger every day, but it will be a few more weeks until they are fully developed. Your baby’s 5 senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell are now well developed. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

31st Week of Pregnancy: Your baby may move to the rhythm of music

During 31st week of pregnancy your baby is continuing to grow and has grown to over 15 ½ inches in length and weighs from 3 ½ -4 pounds. 

31st week of pregnancy your baby’s lungs are not fully matured.  Your baby’s arms and legs are fully developed. Your baby’s organs are continuing to mature. He/she is passing water from her bladder. This week your baby can now move his/her head from side to side. He/she skin has been wrinkled, now becomes smooth as fat cells fill out his/her body.  

31st week of pregnancy your baby’s fingernails have grown and he/she may even need a manicure after born. This week your baby’s immune system is substantially developed. The irises also respond to light and dark. A loud noise near you may cause your little one to jump. Baby may move to the rhythm of music. Your baby is still covered with lanugo and vernix, but once he or she gets more fat and meat on his or her bones, most of the vernix and lanugo will be shed. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

30th Week of Pregnancy: Your joints to become looser

During 30th week of pregnancy your baby is now 15.15 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds. Your baby’s eyes are flattering more mature, and now he/she can tell the difference between light and dark.

Your baby’s brain is developing rapidly. Your baby’s eyesight are continues to develop. 30th week of pregnancy your baby’s lungs and digestive tract are almost fully developed. This week your baby continues to open and closes his eyes. The normal adult vision is 20/20. 30th week of pregnancy your baby is now responsive to stimuli, including sound, pain, and light.

In your baby was boy, the testicles have moved down to the groin. These weeks your baby controls its own body temperature. Your baby’s skin is becoming smoother.  Your baby feet are nearly 2.5 inches long. Your baby’s hands are fully formed and fingernails are growing. 

During 30th week of pregnancy your fetus now weighs about 3 pounds. This week your uterus is now about 4 inches above your belly button. Your body is producing a number of different hormones that can cause your joints to become looser. Your uterus support to 12 cm above the navel and your stomach has now almost reached its maximum volume.

Friday, June 15, 2012

29th week of pregnancy: Drink 10-20 cups of fluids each day

During 29th week of pregnancy your baby now weighs around 1.1 kilogram and 38 centimeter long from head to toe. Your baby’s muscles and lungs are continuing to develop.  Your baby’s lungs will be fully developed and ready for breathing. Your baby’s brain is developing and maturing. Your baby’s bones have developed. 

29th week of pregnancy your baby’s increasing nutritional demands , you will need plenty of protein, folic acid, vitamins c, and iron. Your baby’s bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be definite to drink your milk, cheese, orange juice. This week 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby’s hardening skeleton each day. 

29th week of pregnancy the pregnant lady uterus can be felt somewhere between 3 ½ -4 inches above your belly button. This week your weight gain in 19-25 pounds. 29th week of pregnancy the pregnant lady's main problems in constipation. You can prevent constipation in many of the following they are 
  • Drink 10-20 cups of fluids each day.
  • Eat a high fiber diet including: fruits, vegetables, breakfast cereals, whole grain breads, prunes and bran.
  • Reduce or eliminate iron supplements.

29th week of pregnancy symptoms are hemorrhoids, occasional headaches, forgetfulness, constipation, difficulty sleeping, itching abdomen and skin, hair, and nail changes.  This period edema or swelling, leg cramps are the main problems. Supplements to be taken during 29th week of pregnancy are folic acid, iron and calcium. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

HIB Vaccine protects your child against severe bacterial infection

The HIB vaccine guards your child against a severe bacterial infection that frequently affects babies  under 5 years old. 

It can cause severe swelling in the throat that makes it hard to breathe (epiglottitis), a serious form of pneumonia, and a disease called bacterial meningitis. Meningitis   is an infection of the membrane covering the brain and spinal cord. HIB meningitis causes death in 1 out of 20 children and permanent brain damage in 10 to 30 percent of those who survive. Haemophilus influenza can also cause serious joint and skin infections as well as other less common infections.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

28th Week of Pregnancy: Your baby’s size is an eggplant

During 28th week of pregnancy your baby weighs nearly 2.3pounds and 14.8 inches from top to bottom. This week your baby’s size is an eggplant. Your baby’s brain is surely beginning to develop. 

28th week of pregnancy your baby’s brain tissues are increased. The baby’s hair is also developed. 28th week of pregnancy your baby’s head turned from side to side. This period your baby’s skeleton and muscles are maturing quickly. Your baby's hair is growing longer on his or her head.  Your baby's eyelashes and eyebrows are also getting thicker and they are lengthening. Your baby’s lungs are approaching maturity, blood vessels are developed. The respiratory movements are well organized, and the pace is constant. It now gifted to regulate its temperature itself with fatty deposits. Hair and nails continue to grow. If it is a boy, the testicles are descended into the scrotum. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Polio Vaccination: OPV and IPV

 Polio is also called poliomyelitis, it is an infectious disease that generally affect the central nervous system.

The central nervous system is prepared in the brain and spinal cord. Nerves from the brain and spinal cord help your body move and sensation. In polio, part of the central nervous system grows damaged, which may lead to paralysis or even death.

Polio is caused by different kinds of poliovirus. A person may also get contaminated by breathing in the virus. Poliovirus may either develop in the intestine or the throat. Polio may be prohibited by vaccinating children with the polio vaccine.  The polio vaccine decreases your safety of becoming infected with polio. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

BCG Vaccine for your baby: Protection against Tuberculosis

BCG vaccine is a conscious bacterial vaccine given for protection against tuberculosis, mainly severe forms of infantile tuberculosis.

BCG is given anytime from birth to 15 days of life long with the zero dose of oral polio vaccine. BCG is given over the left arm. BCG should be given as early as possible in life, before child originates in contact with tuberculosis. It can be specified up to five years of age.

The efficacy of BCG vaccines where tuberculosis is endemic, children hook the germs early in life and develop primary TB.  Tuberculosis is an infectious bacterial disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  The most common method of active tuberculosis is the pulmonary form. Symptoms include chronic cough, moderate fever, night time sweat, fatigue, decreased appetite and weight loss.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

MMR Vaccine for your baby

The MMR vaccine guards your child against 3 viruses; they are measles, mumps and rubella. MMRV is the same as MMR; it includes protection against the varicella virus, which causes chicken pox. Measles is a highly contagious illness. The main symptoms are a rash, fever, runny nose, cough and eye irritation. 

The difficulties of measles include ear infection, pneumonia, seizures, diarrhea, encephalitis, brain damage and death.  Mumps is a viral infection. That causes fever, headache and inflammation of the glands under the jaw. Mumps was lead to meningitis, encephalitis and deafness. Mumps was common in babies.  Rubella or German measles is characterized by a pinkish red rash that starts on the face, a mild fever and swollen lymph nodes. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

27th Week of Pregnancy: Your baby weighs almost 1 Kg

During 27th week of pregnancy your baby weighs almost 1 kilogram and is about 15 inches long with legs extended. 27th week of pregnancy your baby’s brain is very active now. He/she sleeping and walking at regular intervals. He/she opening and closing eyes, and imaginably even sucking her fingers. This period your baby’s brain tissue developed.  This week your baby skin added layers of fat are continuing to form. These layers will help your baby regulate his temperature once outside the womb and help keep him warm. Your baby has them but is breathing in amniotic fluid rather than air. 

27th week of pregnancy your baby retina develops its normal layers are developed. These layers are important in receiving light and light information and transmitting it to the brain for interpretation. Your baby’s skin is quit wrinkled from floating in water. 
During this week the pregnant lady uterus took 400 gram. Your uterus continue to grow, your stomach is under pressure. Your other organs except liver have also grown. Under the effect of hormones you may have bleeding at the gum. Brush your teeth twice a day. His/her head now has a good proportion compared to the rest of his/her body and his/her face is that it has almost at birth. He/she has an eyelashes and eyebrows, he/she can open his eyes because the membrane covered eyelids was split. The connections between neurons are made and the nerves in the brain will become coated with myelin.

Friday, June 8, 2012

26th Week of Pregnancy: Your baby’s eyes begin to open

During 26th week of pregnancy your baby’s weighs more than 760 grams and 35.6 centimeter long. Your baby’s eyes begin to open. Response to sound grows more consistent toward the end of the 26th week; the system of nerves to the ear is complete. 26th week of pregnancy your baby is now growing so fast. Baby’s brain development is so intense at this stage.  This stage your baby is inhaling and exhaling small amount of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs.  If you are having boy, his testicles are beginning to descend in to his scrotum.  26th week of pregnancy your baby is comparable to the length of a cucumber.  Your baby’s finger and nails continue to grow.  Your baby’s blood circulation is completely functional. Blood vessels start to develop in the lungs to prepare the baby for life outside the uterus. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

25th Week of Pregnancy: Your uterus is about the size of a soccer ball

During 25th week of pregnancy your baby now weighs nearly 660 gram and approximately 35 centimeter long.  These weeks your baby’s make some breathing movement.  25th week of pregnancy your baby’s hands are fully developed.  Baby’s arms and legs are developed.  Your baby’s brains and nerve ending are developed. The structure of your baby’s spin is now made up of 150 joints, 33 rings and 1000 ligaments. 25th week of pregnancy your baby’s blood vessels in the lungs also developed.  

   25th week of pregnancy your baby’s capillaries are also developing.  Capillaries are the tiny blood vessels that move blood from the heart to tissues in the body.  Your baby’s respiratory system is developing. Baby’s nostrils are opening.  Your baby’s reproductive organs are formed. your baby are boy the testes are descended.   25th week of pregnancy your baby’s skin is translucent and wrinkled and he/ she can hear your stomach when it gurgles and your voice when you sing.

   25th week of pregnancy your baby’s bones are becoming solid, hands are fully developed.  This week your baby’s muscles are growing stronger. 25th week of pregnancy the pregnant women uterus is grown quite a bit bigger. Your uterus is between your bellybutton and your sternum. Your uterus is about the size of a soccer ball. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hepatitis B Vaccine(HBV) for your Baby

   The hepatitis B vaccine (HBV) keeps your child against the Hepatitis B virus, which can lead to liver damage and even death.  Hepatitis B is highly infectious. Hepatitis B is generally considered an adult disease. These diseases are transmitted through dangerous sex and shared needles. 

   The virus is spread prenatally from an infected mother to her infant at birth, from child to child, though unsafe injections and transfusions. Hepatitis B vaccine have been shown to be about 95% protective against the disease when used correctly. 

   The vaccine contains one of the vital envelope proteins, HBsAg.  It is produced by yet cells. Hepatitis B virus infection is a major global health problem.  These viruses infected in two billion people in the world, and more than 300 million have chronic liver infections.

   The children receive the hepatitis B vaccine have no side effect. Hepatitis B infections can origins serious problems including liver failure, hepatitis B infection, and liver cancer. Hepatitis vaccine generally caused piece of virus.  These vaccine works by helping the body immunity that will prevent to get infection from hepatitis B virus. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

24th Week of Pregnancy: Your baby moving up and down in amniotic sac

   In 24th week of Pregnancy your baby is 600 gram weighs and 12 ½ inches long.  This period your baby brain is developing. Taste buds are developed and lungs are more developing and complex. The main lungs are beginning to form as well as special cells that will produce surfactant.  Your baby’s organs are developing. The nervous system and digestive system are developing. This week the amniotic fluid will continue to increases in volume. Your baby skin is quiet translucent. These weeks your baby’s body started producing white blood cells. He/ she immune system act in combating diseases and infection is developing. This week your baby’s cerebral cortex in his brain is developing and layering. This week your baby moving up and down in amniotic sac. 

   During this week the pregnant lady’s weight gained in ½ pound. Your uterus can be felt about 2 inches above the belly button. Your eyes may also be sensitive and dry. This period your skin on your abdomen and breasts are stretching, which can cause these areas to feel itching. You are itching and dry skin, use a moisturizer or lotion. This week the pregnant lady eyes become sensitive and dry. These weeks you should healthy eating and take prenatal vitamins. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Low blood pressure during pregnancy

   Low blood pressure is associated with fainting and dizziness. Low blood pressure is also known as Hypotension. During pregnancy low blood pressure can be a serious problem. Low blood pressure to be given dehydration. Low blood pressure in pregnancy causes blood to pool in your legs, less blood available to the brain. Your rise from a laying or sitting position you may feel faint. This is also caused vision problems in pregnant women. Blood pressure caused by dehydration it is treated by a physician with intravenous fluids. The hypotension diseases associated with reduced vascular tone. The cardiovascular system normally undertakes various changes during pregnancy. Heart rate increases and the amount of blood increases in the body, it causes a blood pressure variation.

Here are some special tips for prevent low blood pressure

Sunday, June 3, 2012

23rd Week of Pregnancy: Your baby is about the size of a small baby doll

During this week your baby is now 500 gram weighs and 29 centimeter long. Your baby’s blood vessels in her lungs are developing. He/she cans preparing breathing and he swallowing regularly. Your baby’s hearing continues to develop and sharpen. This week your baby is about the size of a small baby doll and looks very human. Your baby’s face and body look similar to that of a new born. The bones in your baby middle ear are forming. Your baby’s sharp ears already pickup noises and sounds from outside. This period your baby’s nervous and muscular systems are developed. Your baby’s overall sense of movement is established. This week your baby can choose to suck his /her thumb on purpose.
            During these weeks the pregnant lady uterus can be found about 1.5 inches above your navel. The pregnant lady total weight gain should be approximately 15 pounds at this time.  These weeks your baby grows larger and you are growing to feel less and less graceful. Your baby’s movements are probably quite strong. This week of pregnancy the pregnant lady sit down and start thinking about your baby’s cord blood. You have 3 positions they are you can donate your baby’s cord blood to a public bank, you can allow the hospital to simply throw the umbilical cord and you could bank your own cord blood.This week pregnant lady vaginal secretions that are characteristically clear to yellowish with a faint smell increase during pregnancy.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

22nd Week of Pregnancy: Pregnant women will develop stretch marks

During 22th week of pregnancy your baby weighs are 430 grams and 11 inches long. He/ she looks like a miniature newborn baby.  He/she eyes, eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed. The irises still lack pigment. This period your baby can hear all the sounds in your body. Your baby’s fingernails have grown to the end of her fingertips. The baby’s teeth buds are already beginning to form. Your baby is a boy his testes are beginning to descend from the pelvis in to the scrotum. This week your baby’s brain is rapidly developing. The brain will expand until your child reaches the age of five. Your baby’s heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope. Your baby’s nose is taking on a more defined shape as cartilage appears. This week your baby’s pancreas is developing steadily, which is essential for the production of some important hormones during their lifetime. The liver has started producing the various enzymes that are necessary to break down bilirubin.  

Friday, June 1, 2012

21st Week of Pregnancy: The size of your baby is a large banana

During 21 week of pregnancy the fetus now 360 weighs and 10.5 inches/27 CM long. The size of your baby is a large banana. Your baby’s eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed. The fingernails cover the fingertips. Your baby is still pretty active and continues to move all over in the amniotic fluid. He/she wakes and sleeps in regular intervals. Your baby’s buds for permanent teeth are beginning to form. Your baby’s organs are developing and maturing his central nervous system. This week your baby will produce meconium, a sticky greenish black substance that form in your baby’s intestines and will be its first bowel movement. Your baby’s red cells are increasing and infection fighting white cells are beginning to be manufactured.