
Sunday, June 3, 2012

23rd Week of Pregnancy: Your baby is about the size of a small baby doll

During this week your baby is now 500 gram weighs and 29 centimeter long. Your baby’s blood vessels in her lungs are developing. He/she cans preparing breathing and he swallowing regularly. Your baby’s hearing continues to develop and sharpen. This week your baby is about the size of a small baby doll and looks very human. Your baby’s face and body look similar to that of a new born. The bones in your baby middle ear are forming. Your baby’s sharp ears already pickup noises and sounds from outside. This period your baby’s nervous and muscular systems are developed. Your baby’s overall sense of movement is established. This week your baby can choose to suck his /her thumb on purpose.
            During these weeks the pregnant lady uterus can be found about 1.5 inches above your navel. The pregnant lady total weight gain should be approximately 15 pounds at this time.  These weeks your baby grows larger and you are growing to feel less and less graceful. Your baby’s movements are probably quite strong. This week of pregnancy the pregnant lady sit down and start thinking about your baby’s cord blood. You have 3 positions they are you can donate your baby’s cord blood to a public bank, you can allow the hospital to simply throw the umbilical cord and you could bank your own cord blood.This week pregnant lady vaginal secretions that are characteristically clear to yellowish with a faint smell increase during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Symptoms 

           23rd week of pregnancy symptoms are hearty appetite, bloating, fetal activity, snoring, forgetfulness, bleeding gums, tingling hands. During this week you can eat healthy food and fresh fruits and vegetables.  The pregnant ladies can routine check in weights and blood pressure.These weeks your skin continues to stretch, it may become dry and itchy, keeping it moist with lotion or cream can help to reduce the symptoms. During this week food craving, leg pain, cramps and backache are another symptoms. This is because of the baby’s growing in size. The amount of blood in lower part of your body will also increase. The pregnant lady ankle and feet will start swelling in this week. The excessive swelling during pregnancy may be sign of serious condition called preeclampsia. You can drink lots of water for being hydrated and preventing swelling. You should take light exercise for improving the blood circulation.


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