
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

33 Week Pregnancy: Your weight gained in 25-30 pounds

During 33 week of pregnancy your baby’s weighs about 2 kilograms and measures almost 44 centimeter from head to toe. This week your baby’s skin is also increasingly becoming less red and wrinkled.

33 week of pregnancy your baby’s respiratory system is almost completely mature. This week the bones in your baby skull are soft and are not yet fused together. 33 week of pregnancy your baby’s senses are continue to develop. This week your baby’s brain is maturing and increasing in size. 33 week of pregnancy the part of your baby’s brain is starting to function. The area of the brain is responsible for making sense of sound, the region of the brain that processes visual information and the part of the brain that is involved in speech and language processing.

33 week of pregnancy your baby’s fingernails might reach the tip of his/her fingers. This week your baby’s bones are hardening. 33 week of pregnancy the level of amniotic fluid in your womb has reached maximum. Your baby bundle of joy is swallowing close to one liter of amniotic fluid, this helps develop your baby’s digestive system. If your baby is a boy, the testicles are descending into the scrotum. All five senses are developed and your baby can listen, feel, and see. Your baby's eyes can detect light and the pupils can constrict and dilate in response to light. 

33 Week Pregnancy Symptoms

33 week pregnancy symptoms are occasional headache, stronger fetal activity, nail changes, protruding navel, lower abdominal pain, varicose vein, increasing clumsiness, forgetfulness, Braxton hicks contractions and shortness of breath. Your baby's eyes open during ready times and close during sleep. The eye color is usually blue, irrespective of the permanent color as pigmentation is not fully developed. The final formation of eye pigmentation requires exposure to light and usually happens a few weeks after birth.
33 week of pregnancy the uterus is more than 5 inches from the belly button - and it may feel like it can't get any bigger. The average weight gain at this week in pregnancy is between 22 and 28 pounds. This week your weight gained in 25-30 pounds. 

33 week of pregnancy your feet, hands, face, and ankles have become a bit swollen. This water retention known as edema is often worse in warm weather and later in the day. Surprisingly, drinking more water, not less, will help - so drink up! But if the swellings severe and you start to have headaches, call your doctor straightaway, because these are sometimes symptoms of pre-eclampsia.   


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