
Sunday, June 10, 2012

MMR Vaccine for your baby

The MMR vaccine guards your child against 3 viruses; they are measles, mumps and rubella. MMRV is the same as MMR; it includes protection against the varicella virus, which causes chicken pox. Measles is a highly contagious illness. The main symptoms are a rash, fever, runny nose, cough and eye irritation. 

The difficulties of measles include ear infection, pneumonia, seizures, diarrhea, encephalitis, brain damage and death.  Mumps is a viral infection. That causes fever, headache and inflammation of the glands under the jaw. Mumps was lead to meningitis, encephalitis and deafness. Mumps was common in babies.  Rubella or German measles is characterized by a pinkish red rash that starts on the face, a mild fever and swollen lymph nodes. 

The MMR vaccine is given as a subcutaneous injection. MMR vaccines are very effective and very safe, providing lifelong immunity in most people who get vaccinated. Measles are at relatively high risk for complications, including brain inflections and blindness. Mumps is a common childhood infection with several potential complications, including inflations or swelling in testis, brain and joints.  In common symptoms are swelling of the salivary glands. 

Rubella is also known as German measles. It is also known to cause severe and disturbing faults in unborn babies. These babies are including heart defects, mental retardation, bone alteration, vision abnormalities and hearing loss. 

The MMR vaccine is recommended to be given during ages 12 months through 15 months. The combined MMR vaccine was introduced to induce immunity less painfully than three separate injections.  MMR vaccine was associated with fewer upper respiratory tract infections, more irritability, and a similar number of other adverse effects. 

The component viral strains of MMR vaccine were developed by propagation in animal and human cells. The live viruses require animal or human cells as a host for production of more viruses.

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