
Saturday, June 9, 2012

27th Week of Pregnancy: Your baby weighs almost 1 Kg

During 27th week of pregnancy your baby weighs almost 1 kilogram and is about 15 inches long with legs extended. 27th week of pregnancy your baby’s brain is very active now. He/she sleeping and walking at regular intervals. He/she opening and closing eyes, and imaginably even sucking her fingers. This period your baby’s brain tissue developed.  This week your baby skin added layers of fat are continuing to form. These layers will help your baby regulate his temperature once outside the womb and help keep him warm. Your baby has them but is breathing in amniotic fluid rather than air. 

27th week of pregnancy your baby retina develops its normal layers are developed. These layers are important in receiving light and light information and transmitting it to the brain for interpretation. Your baby’s skin is quit wrinkled from floating in water. 
During this week the pregnant lady uterus took 400 gram. Your uterus continue to grow, your stomach is under pressure. Your other organs except liver have also grown. Under the effect of hormones you may have bleeding at the gum. Brush your teeth twice a day. His/her head now has a good proportion compared to the rest of his/her body and his/her face is that it has almost at birth. He/she has an eyelashes and eyebrows, he/she can open his eyes because the membrane covered eyelids was split. The connections between neurons are made and the nerves in the brain will become coated with myelin.

27th week of pregnancy your body will need an extra 300-350 calories each day. This week you will notice the weight you gain will be different in placement than the weight. You are eating healthy and keeping a well-balanced diet, the weight you gain during pregnancy and considered fat or unhealthy, but instead, essential for sustaining both you and your baby.  During 27th week of pregnancy symptoms are constipation, headaches, itching, hemorrhoids, and stretch marks, round ligament pain, frequent urination, heartburn or indigestion and breast changes- fullness, darkening of the areola, tenderness.


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