
Thursday, June 14, 2012

HIB Vaccine protects your child against severe bacterial infection

The HIB vaccine guards your child against a severe bacterial infection that frequently affects babies  under 5 years old. 

It can cause severe swelling in the throat that makes it hard to breathe (epiglottitis), a serious form of pneumonia, and a disease called bacterial meningitis. Meningitis   is an infection of the membrane covering the brain and spinal cord. HIB meningitis causes death in 1 out of 20 children and permanent brain damage in 10 to 30 percent of those who survive. Haemophilus influenza can also cause serious joint and skin infections as well as other less common infections.

These vaccines are recommended in three or four doses. The HIB vaccine is recommended age is at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, between 12 and 15 months.  HIB is especially important for children to get this vaccine on schedule, because the diseases it protects against tend to strike children between the ages of 2 months and 2 years. 

HIB stands for H influenza   B – a type of bacterium that leads to invasive diseases like meningitis, epiglottitis, pneumonia, cellulitis, arthritis and sepsis.  HIB infection is most commonly affected in children less than five years of age. 95% of HIB infections occur before 5 years of age.  HIB vaccine is given intramuscularly.  

The side effect of HIB vaccines in local reaction can occur like redness, swelling and pain. Universal  side effects seen include fever, which is mild and lasts for 24 hours, excessive crying, fussiness, irritability, vomiting, drowsiness, anorexia and diarrhea. This vaccine cause severe and potentially deadly illnesses that affect the brain, lungs, and bones or joints.

HIB can cause a wide variety of serious infections, including pneumonia; severe throat swelling that makes breathing difficult, and infections of blood, bones, joints, and the covering of the death. About 5% of children with HIB meningitis die despite antibiotic treatment.

Read More about Baby Vaccination
MMR Vaccine
BCG Vaccine
Polio Vaccine 
Hepatitis B Vaccine 
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