
Saturday, June 16, 2012

30th Week of Pregnancy: Your joints to become looser

During 30th week of pregnancy your baby is now 15.15 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds. Your baby’s eyes are flattering more mature, and now he/she can tell the difference between light and dark.

Your baby’s brain is developing rapidly. Your baby’s eyesight are continues to develop. 30th week of pregnancy your baby’s lungs and digestive tract are almost fully developed. This week your baby continues to open and closes his eyes. The normal adult vision is 20/20. 30th week of pregnancy your baby is now responsive to stimuli, including sound, pain, and light.

In your baby was boy, the testicles have moved down to the groin. These weeks your baby controls its own body temperature. Your baby’s skin is becoming smoother.  Your baby feet are nearly 2.5 inches long. Your baby’s hands are fully formed and fingernails are growing. 

During 30th week of pregnancy your fetus now weighs about 3 pounds. This week your uterus is now about 4 inches above your belly button. Your body is producing a number of different hormones that can cause your joints to become looser. Your uterus support to 12 cm above the navel and your stomach has now almost reached its maximum volume.

30th week of pregnancy heartburn is  one of the most common symptoms in pregnancy . This week pregnancy hormones that origin your body’s pelvic muscles to relax so you can deliver your baby also relax the ring of muscles that splits the esophagus from the stomach. 

You can drink plenty of water to avoid the risk of urinary tract infection. 30th week of pregnancy symptoms are stronger fetal activity, constipation, bleeding gums, occasional faintness or dizziness, fatigue, mild swelling of ankles and feet, stretch marks and flatulence.  In 30th week of pregnancy complements are folic acid , iron and calcium.  

During this week pregnancy hormones such as progesterone and others will make you feel more exhausted. This will make you moody and depressed. The increased size of your uterus will put pressure on your diaphragm, making you out of breath sooner. 

Common pregnancy symptoms in 30th week 
  • Round ligament pain
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Itching
  • Headache
  • Breast changes in tenderness, fullness, darkening of the areola
  • Frequent urination
  • Constipation
  • Stretch marks
  • Heartburn or indigestion


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