
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 10th Week: baby is becoming more and more interactive; smiling, cooing, and laughing

During 10th week of your newborn baby’s physical development, he/she is decided to every expression you create and will try to copy you.

This week your baby is becoming more and more interactive; smiling, cooing, and laughing may be common now. This period you may also want to take some time to gently expanse your baby. Two great ways to do this are to gently clap your baby’s hands together , or give your baby’s arms crossed, out wide, and overhead. You can also gently move your baby’s legs as if they were cycling a bicycle. This week your baby begins to cry, and nobody not rocking, swaddling, or any other comfort measure gets her to stop.

This week your baby will have developed some sleeping patterns by now. Imaginably they fall asleep straight after their first morning feed, or this is when they like to stay up. Mid-morning may be an unsettled, wakeful time for them and you have trouble encouraging them to go off to sleep. The afternoons may find you treading the pavements and pushing them in their pram because this is the only place they will settle. Sleep changes constantly throughout a child’s life. It is not a fixed or steady condition and does reflect other changes going on in their lives.

Your baby’s brain is its most difficult organ and interpretations for about 50% of his/her body size. Brain development happens in two spurts. The first occurs in the uterus from 8-12 weeks, and the second around 10 weeks after birth. At 10 weeks the brain is growing at a rate of 1mgm a minute and there is a contest to connect cells. At this stage, cell connections that are either weak or under stimulated will expire. They are no longer that tiny, loose, and delicate sack of potatoes that once required so much skill to hold. They can hold their little heads up on their own and are generally a lot stronger than they once were. Your little bundle can now easily recognize you and is smiling in reaction to your face. 
At 10th week of newborn baby naturally allots a lot of time to eating and sleeping. This helps them to get bigger, stronger, and build up their immune system. You can stimulate your baby's sense of touch with a variety of materials. You could try soft, textured cloths such as fake fur, felt and toweling. He/She may try to mouth the cloth, so choose carefully. Don't leave him/her alone with anything that could come apart in his/her mouth. And look for books that make reading a fun and physical experience. 

Here are a few infection prevention tips

  • Keep your baby's toys clean, especially the backhander.
  • Try to keep your baby's hands clean. 
  • Avoid packs if possible.   
  • Visit away from anyone you know who has come down with a contagious infection.
  • Your baby’s eyes and nose are clean.
        Ideal weight gain in a New Born Baby

Your Baby's First Year: Week by Week
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