
Friday, January 11, 2013

Coping with an autistic child

Autism is a learning disability in children. A little patience, some professional help and a lot of love can help cope with an autistic child.

Sometimes realities are hard to accept but it is in your hands to change your reality. Amongst the many normal children if one child turns out to have a disability parents find their world collapsing under the weight of a million questions, doubts and anxieties. For a child diagnosed with a problem like Autism life seems uphill. But there is hope. Studies and real life incidents have proved that remarkable improvement is possible in children with autistic disability.Children are just like clay, you can start shaping them in a way that makes them a model of inspiration for others. 

If your child has been diagnosed with Autism you can do a lot to improve his condition. Even Einstein and Newton showed signs of autism. All your child needs is constant support and encouragement to do better. Encourage your childby showing interest in his interests, embracing his errors with patience, be there for him and see him soar to the skies. Read on, to learn how you can cope better with an autistic child.

Coping with autism 

To be the parent of an autistic child is not easy. With the diagnosis comes a daily struggle and unique challenges that parents face everyday. The question 'why my child', stresses parents the most. Autism is a learning disability that can be dealt with. Worried parents first need to come to terms that a problem exists and the problem has various solutions. 

A large part of coping with an autistic child comes from patient parents who co-operate and give time to their child to heal. Comparing one child to another child is the most dangerous thing that even a normal child's parent must avoid. However, parents must talk about their grief, seek help when required and appreciate their child's ways of doing things everyday.

Understanding your child 

Imagine if you were forced to do things that you do not like. Would it motivate you to do any better? The same applies to your child. Your child needs you to understand his emotions, feelings, his like and dislikes. Try to note down the small things related to the behaviour of your child. Check his gestures, find out what he likes doing best and spend time communicating. Find out the areas where you see the maximum scope of improvement. Try to keep track on the activities for the development of your child. You may never know but sometimes a problem itself can become a solution. 

Try to discuss various strategies and plans for improvement with people who are involved with the child so that they can easily and effectively help your child. They may also give you some helpful suggestions that you can apply.

Regular exercise helps 

Exercise is a cure for many problems. It helps breathing, increases flexibility and energy levels. Start enjoying exercising with your child. Play some nice musicand practice a few stretches. Have fun while deep breathing. Teach

If you have a habit of going out for a morning walk you can take your child along with you. Familiarise him with nature. Show your child the sunrise, birds, flowers,trees and clouds. A morning walk in a natural setting can refresh the mind. your child different movements of hands, legs which he can do regularly. Exercising together builds up motivation and even increases stamina. Working out together can become a great habit for you and your child.

Be your child's best friend 

Become your child's best friends. Communicate in such a way that you build a bridge between your child and you. Gain your child's trust. This will help your child talk to you about almost everything he feels and undergoes. You can be friends by participating in his games and activities. Make him feel that you are there for him and be there when the time comes.

Encouraging creativity within your child 

Every human is blessed with some creative skill or the other. Find out your child's unique ability and channelise his energies to that direction. If he or she is good at drawing provide your child with as many colours, crayons, pens, sketchbooks, drawing material, papers, clay etc. Allow your child can explore his or her creative side. For example, the little boy in Hindi feature film Taare Zameen Par suffered with the learning disability of Dyslexia but was a master at painting and crafts. Identifying a child's interests and likings can help a lot in carving out a brightfuture. There are many people who perceive their hobbies as their career. There are people who are gaming experts, travel places and even check spas across the world. There is just no limit to what you want to do. Check what interests your child the most and encourage it.

A favourable environment for learning 

Put up different charts of alphabets, numbers, poems, tables etc. in your child's room. If you want to teach your child to do something, teach him by taking help of charts, books and conversations that induce learning. You can also take help of the toys which your child likes. Invest in some good books with illustrations. Speak to your child about his favourite stories and characters. Ask him or her to help you in the kitchen and discuss food, plants and let them cook a dish. Let his or her creative juices flow.

Using virtual stimulation for teaching your child 

Virtual reality can help stimulate your child's mind. It has been proved by researchers from Haifa University that autistic children can learn principles of road safety by practicing them in a unique virtual reality system. In this way you can use other virtual reality systems to make your child learn different skills. So take him to the snow world, a 3D movie or let him try the virtual skiing game. You can even use interactive toys and solve puzzles together.

Dealing with naughty children 

If your child is very naughty, let your child be so, let your child enjoy herchildhood and create memories. If your child has a habit of climbing walls you can develop this habit as a sport activity. Take your child to rock gym and find out is your child able to do rock climbing. 

Cuddle a lot, roll up in blankets like hot dogs, use quilts to play with your childand sing ring around the roses if your child has a habit of spinning in circles. You can also play with your child by making him sit on a tyre swing. 

Be patient and react in a way that can help your child calm down. Instead of asking what wrong, show is why it is not right. For example, if he spills milk, clean it together and turn it into a learning experience. There will be many small opportunities that you will get, everyday, to turn into a big learning.

Consult a professional for dealing with autism 

If you are finding it very difficult to deal with your child, consult a professional. Sitting and talking with your child may help rather than yelling. A professional may help identify the problem and help you take the required measure to handle the situation. Seek help if you need to.

Taking help of an organisation for autistic children 

If you want your child to take part in different activities you can take help of organisations for autistic children which conduct many activities for them. The National Autistic Society, Action for Autism and Organization for Autism are some of the organisations conducting these activities.

What is Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI)? 

It is the best treatment given to autistic children. The research conducted on EIBI by the Ohio State University Tokyo has proved that most of the children who participate in EIBI have showed improvement in their IQ. They have also shown improvement in other areas of functioning like behaviour and autistic symptoms. 

James Mulik who is a co-author of the study on autistic children and professor of paediatrics and psychology at Ohio State University says that, We were taught at one time that it couldn't happen people who were mentally retarded couldn't become average, but we found it can happen among at least some with autism. 

Every parent is loves and takes care of children, even if they have certain shortcomings. An autistic child too has a right to receive everything that any other child might get. Autism can be dealt with. Early identification and treatment can make a difference. Have a positive attitude and find how you can give your child the best he deserves.

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