
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Newborn Baby's 41st Week: to introduce cow's milk

At 11 months, your child is showing plenty of signs of leaving childhood behind and becoming a more independent toddler. This week your baby waiting to introduce cow's milk until a baby is 41 weeks old. There are several reasons to interval the introduction of cow's milk until your baby reaches his first birthday. Most important, breast milk offers the best nutrition for your baby, which is why doctors recommend moms nurse as long as they can. Also, a baby's digestive system sometimes doesn't absorb cow's milk proteins very well. Cow's milk has too much sodium, potassium, and chloride, which can tax your baby's kidneys, as well.

Cow’s milk doesn't have all the vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin E, zinc, and iron) that he needs for growth and development in his/her first year. Giving a baby cow's milk could even cause iron deficiency and internal bleeding. A great source of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A, milk will build your toddler's bones and teeth and help his/her body regulate his/her blood coagulation and muscle control . Almost all milk is fortified with vitamin D, which helps the body absorb the calcium it needs.

This week your baby is communicating more often now. He/she is beginning to get the idea that crying is only one way to have things their way. Pointing towards objects or efforts to reach for them is quite visible now and certain meaningless sounds might be produced to catch your attention. Your baby may finally be mastering the fine art of sitting down from a standing position by bending his/her knees. This is a big improvement from sitting by falling down. He/she may also have learned to wave bye-bye back to you as you leave. Your baby will also probably love books that have different textures on their pages or ones that make noise as you turn the page. 
Baby Care Topics: Feeding your baby|What should my baby wear? | Bathing and Washing your Baby | Overcoming sleeping problems in your baby

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