
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Newborn Baby's Week 46: Some babies have started walking around

46 weeks old baby
During 46th week your baby has gotten the hang of finger foods; the next step is learning to use tools. Give him/her a toddler-sized plastic spoon and some cut or mashed food and show him/her how to maneuver it into her /his mouth. Each week your baby also makes advances in communication. His/her first words may have been mama or dada. 

Your baby's personality is really blossoming now. Her/his opinions are getting stronger and he/she isn't shy about expressing them. Your baby can now understand and shake his/her head no when he/she doesn't want to do something. She/he will also become excited and clap when he/she has mastered a new skill or task. 

This week some babies are more active than others. Whether your baby is too active or too slow to response, both conditions are equally thought provoking for the parents. Walking around in the house in semi-uncovered condition may increase the curiosity in your children. They might not think of anything else except to play with what they see in front of them. You have to make them realize that what is right and what is wrong. Drawing a line between dos and don’ts from this very stage will make your child understand so many different things.

Some babies have started walking around; there are some babies who have not yet mastered this skill. Throughout the guide we have emphasized the point that all babies are different and they achieve milestones at different times. Hence, you need not to worry about this as some babies don’t show any signs of walking until fifteenth month.

However, if you are still concerned, consult your doctor and discuss your concerns with him. Your baby has just started moving around on his/her own and he/she wants to explore each and every thing. So, this is too early for parents to worry about the problems like ADD and ADHD. Let your baby enjoy and explore this new world around him(her). 
Baby Care Topics: Feeding your baby|What should my baby wear? | Bathing and Washing your Baby | Overcoming sleeping problems in your baby

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