
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tips to Preventing Stretch Marks during Pregnancy

When you are in pregnancy stage, a lot of changes may occur in your body. These change not only your physical appearance but your mind also. Considering your physical changes, mainly your stomach will look like a balloon and other parts also match with the belle condition. But you prepare and accept these changes more vibrantly because your little one will soon come in your arms. However, you may know about developing stretch marks and worrying about it.

Here we will explain and give some useful tips for preventing your stretch marks during pregnancy. 

Collagen, a group of naturally occurring proteins caused the Stretch marks during pregnancy. The collagen mostly develops in the middle layer of the skin. During pregnancy your stomach skin is stretched repeatedly past the breakdown point, the body will automatically try to pay off by sending more collagen to the over stretched place. The excess collagen is caused to develop stretch marks or scar like tissue. Examiners in the field of pregnancy say that the possibility of your stretch marks during pregnancy will increase if your mother had stretch marks during pregnancy. But this is not a 100% sure statement. You can do a lot of to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy: Useful Tips

During pregnancy, you should aware about your diet. Healthy well balanced diet can help a lot about our topic. You must drink plenty of water and eat well-balanced healthy food. Avoid fast food and heavy fat. If your weight gain is increasing quickly, it is unhealthy for you and your baby. This is one of the common causes of stretch marks during pregnancy. Well balanced diet can help you to keep your weight gain safely.  

You can consult your doctor to take an advice about your ideal weight gain during pregnancy. The universal advice about pregnancy that you must eat for two is doesn't mean that you must overdo. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin well hydrated and flexible.

You should take your pre natal vitamins which help you to develop beautiful skin and marvelous hair during pregnancy. Your body needs extra vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. It also helps to prevent dirty marks and stretches. 

Another way to avoid stretch marks is to use creams that Sufficient contain vitamin E or cocoa butter creams may prevent your stretch mark limitedly.  You can use these creams to massage onto your skin. The massaging action itself can increase blood flow to stretch marks forming area and reduce the visibility of stretch marks. Now in our market several massage creams are claiming to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

If there is no way to prevent your stretch marks, you should consult a dermatologist to select the exact treatment for you. However, during pregnancy the most important thing is your healthy baby . A few stretch marks during pregnancy is comparatively small thing which considering your beautiful baby. 
But if you follow these steps during pregnancy, most of your stretch marks will vanish. 
Read more about Pregnancy Diet
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