
Friday, August 24, 2012

Newborn Baby's 44th Week: immature bones and muscles become strong and mature

By 44th week your baby may start taking short walks while holding onto your hand. She/he also now understands what to do when you are dressing her/him and will staff out both arms and legs to help you. She/he may also be able to drink from a cup all by herself - although some babies may not do this for a few more months. 

Your baby has grown into a monkey as she/he starts to crawl, wiggle, and climb out of the crib, stroller, and highchair. Diaper changes will also become even more challenging because, honestly, who wants to lay there for a whole minute when there's discovering to do. Just be sure to move heavy, hot or otherwise dangerous objects at least 12 inches away from table and counter edges so they're safely out of reach of your baby's curious hands.

This age, your baby will find your baby hard to control. He/she will also start finding ways to escape from places where you want him to stay while doing your house chores. He /she will try reach out any unsecured cabinets, drawers and doors. He /she are now getting more active and often you will find him doing some strange things. Babies at this stage may attempt to climb out of his/her crib or scale baby gates. Diaper changing will become even harder than before. Some curiosity will overcome him and always go for doing some naughty things.

This week your baby will become more active and attentive and understand majority of the words you say to him(her). This understanding leads him/her to give appropriate responses against your commands. However, you have to keep one thing in mind that the responses will be accurate unless or until he is willing. Often times, you won’t find him/her complying with your talking which means that he is not in mood to do so. 

The major cause of concern at this stage for many mothers is bowlegged appearance of their baby while walking. If your baby seems to be a little bowlegged, don’t get worried as there are babies who begin as bowlegged and remain that way for a year or two before they become normal. The reason for this is weak and immature bones and muscles of your baby which become strong and mature over time.
Baby Care Topics: Feeding your baby|What should my baby wear? | Bathing and Washing your Baby | Overcoming sleeping problems in your baby

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