
Monday, April 30, 2012

Does Exercise help during Pregnancy?

Exercise is a big plus for both you and your baby. Exercise can help you to increase your sense of control and boost your energy level. Not only does it make you feel better by releasing endorphin (naturally occurring chemicals in your brain), appropriate exercise can
  • Relieve backaches and improve your posture by strengthening and toning muscles in your back, butt, and thighs Reduce constipation by accelerating movement in your intestine.
  • Prevent wear and tear on your joints (which become loosened during pregnancy due to normal hormonal changes) by activating the lubricating fluid in your joints.
  • Help you sleep better by relieving the stress and anxiety that might make you restless at night.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Prenatal development: Week 5

Everyone feels a bit different in pregnancy. Some moms-to-be are feeling great and wouldn't know they were pregnant had they not missed their period,
while other moms are hanging their heads over the toilet already. There is no one right way to feel. Any questions should be directed to your midwife or doctor if you are concerned. That's their job to help you feel confident in pregnancy.The fifth week of pregnancy is considered to be one of the most significant weeks of pregnancy because this is the week when the symptoms of pregnancy begin to show. Now, this does not mean that your tummy will start growing, rather no one can actually detect that you are pregnant just by looking at you during the fifth week. However, there are certain other symptoms that you may be able to see during this week. First of all, most women come to know about their pregnancy during the fifth week as pregnancy tests begin show positive results around this week. Several changes will be happening in your body due to the presence of the tiny little embryo inside, causing the occurrence of several pregnancy symptoms.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Safe days for Sex to avoid Pregnancy

The first six days and the last six days of the cycle is considered safe for having intercourse without protection. For example,If the period begins on the 7th of the month then it is safe to have intercourse from 1st to 12th of the month.We would still advise you to use a condom as still there rare chances of pregnancy. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Regular period

Menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones and regular menstrual period occurs every month without any missing periods, depending upon your cycle length.
A variation of two to three days between menstrual cycles is normal and for some women, menstrual cycle is repeated almost regularly in every 28 days.
Although the period of the menstrual cycle can vary from 21 to 35 days, the average cycle lasts for 28 days.

Abnormal menstrual pattern

According to American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), menstrual cycles longer than 35 days or shorter than 21 days are abnormal.
Menstrual bleeding normally lasts between two and seven days, with the average being five days and periods last for longer than seven days are
generally considered as abnormal 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Miscarriage During Pregnancy

Early pregnancy loss is so common that many obstetricians consider these miscarriages a normal part of reproduction.That doesn't make the loss any easier. Doctors believe most first-trimester miscarriages happen because of factors outside anyone's control, and rarely can anyone pinpoint the cause of a specific miscarriage.

Causes of Miscarriage

The causes of miscarriage are not well understood. Most of the miscarriages that occur in the first trimester are caused by chromosomal abnormalities in baby.Chromosomes are tiny structures inside the cells of the body which carry many genes. Genes determine all of a person's physical attributes,such as sex, hair and eye color, and blood type. Most chromosomal problems occur by chance and are not related to the mother's or father's health.
Miscarriages are also caused by a variety of other factors, including:
  • Infection.
  • Exposure to environmental and workplace hazards such as high levels of radiation or toxic agents.
  • Hormonal problems.
  • Uterine abnormalities.
  • Incompetent cervix (the cervix begins to widen and open too early, in the middle of pregnancy, without signs of pain or labor).
  • Lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or using illegal drugs.
  • Disorders of the immune system, including lupus.
  • Severe kidney disease.
  • Congenital heart disease.
  • Diabetes that is not controlled.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Radiation.
  • Certain medications, such as the acne drug Accutane.
  • Severe malnutrition.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Prenatal development: Week 4

By week 4, the embryo will be implanting itself in the lining of your uterus. 

This gets your body to start producing the pregnancy hormone HCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin).

 HCG is what tells your body that you are pregnant and to stop ovulating.

Home pregnancy tests measure HCG to check if you are pregnant.

Due date 

Expected due date is calculated as being 280 days from first day of you last menstrual period (LMP).
The first day of your LMP is the first day of bleeding.

That is why it is so confusing for a lot of mothers who find out that they are pregnant and learn that it is already week 5...!

If your cycle is not 28 days, then you have make some minor adjustments:

For example, if your cycle is 26 days, then 278 days are added instead of 280

Since your cycle is shorter (by 2 days) from the 28 day cycle that is used in the calculation,

decrease the gestation period from 280 to 278 (decrease it by the same 2 days)
For example, if your cycle is 31 days, then 283 days are added instead of 280
Since your cycle is linger (by 2 days) from the 28 day cycle that is used in the calculation,
increase the gestation period from 280 to 283 (increase it by the same 3 days)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How will I know when I am in Labour?

Labour does not begin suddenly, it evolves gradually. It can take hours, even days, to figure out whether the sensations you're feeling are labour or pre labour (also called false labour). Some subtle signs and symptoms that you are beginning first stage childbirth include a vague backache that may cause restlessness, several soft bowel movements accompanied by flulike feelings, and a nesting urge--an unusual burst of energy, particularly related to cleaning and getting your home ready for the baby.
As childbirth nears, there are some more specific symptoms that may occur. You may pass some blood-tinged mucus, called the bloody show, from the vagina. This is associated with thinning of the cervix, and it can occur days before other signs of labour or not until after labour contractions are progressing. You may notice a leakage of fluid from the vagina, which indicates that there is a small break in the amniotic sac (also called bag of waters) surrounding the baby. This occurs in 10 to 12 percent of childbirths, but it may not be associated with spontaneous labour. Leaking can continue on and off for hours before childbirth begins, and you will not have any contractions

If you're really in labour, one or more of the following things will happen:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How do I store my Breast Milk?

 Naturally the best way to remove milk from your breast is by feeding your baby, but there may be occasions when this is not possible and you need to express your milk; perhaps
Your baby is premature or unable to suck well
  • Your baby is in hospital and you can't be there for every feed
  • You are in hospital and your baby can't be there for every feed
  • You have returned to the paid work force, study or other commitments
  • You are leaving your baby with a sitter while you are out, or
  • Your breasts sometimes feel too full and uncomfortable.

There are several techniques you can use to encourage your milk to let down while expressing.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Why is Folic Acid important before and during Pregnancy?

If you are thinking about pregnancy or in the first trimester of pregnancy you are advised to take a daily supplement of 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid and eat a diet rich in folates. This will protect your baby that helps a baby's neural tube- the part of the embryo that becomes the brain and spinal cord-  develop properly. It is critical to start taking it before conception and to continue taking it through the third month of pregnancy, when the baby's neural tube is developing, to prevent birth defects in the spine and skull. 

You will also find it in fortified breakfast cereals; citrus fruits and juices; dried peas and beans; and green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, collard and turnip greens, and broccoli. From birth defects, and reduce your risk of miscarriage. 

You should start taking a folic acid supplement as soon as you decide to try for a baby, up to three months before you conceive. Carry on taking it (along with iron supplements) throughout pregnancy and for the first six months of breastfeeding.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Baby care: Useful Tips

Always stay connected with your kid. The intense relationship between the parent and the kid should never be broken. An unbroken connection between the parent and the child will make the child speak the truth and shy away from hiding it. Frank and honest communication with children are recommended. Parent must be a safe haven to come back to in the face of fear or threat. Being abusive and punishing the kid can create an indelible impact in child’s mind. Therefore, the saying “spares the rod and spoil the child″ does not hold true. A child take great pleasure in snuggling, cuddling, harmless pillow fights and prefers sleeping together than alone. So do whatever it takes to stay closer and affectionate to your child. 

Temper tantrums in toddlers are a common phenomenon and if dealt with a calm demeanor a parent can easily overcome it. Driving the child’s attention by distracting it to another activity, discussing the situation and showing them they are being understood can all act as great measures. But never give in to the demands and you must let the child known that you have the control on the situation. Children resist control. But controlling certain situations on behalf of the child is necessary to guide them to the right path. If the kid indulges in bad behavior, emphasize on the positives rather than punishing the kid. Even though, the behavior was negative, giving positive feedbacks can inculcate discipline. The message must be conveyed in a calm and clear manner. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Prenatal development: Week 3

Find out how your baby is developing in week three and learn the early signs of pregnancy, along with the importance of choosing the right doctor.

Your Body 

When your baby implants in your cushy uterine lining later in this week, you might notice a little bit of spotting. Nothing to worry about—in fact, it's your first sign of success. 

If you're feeling tired this week, or you're convinced that your breasts are achy or are already starting to enlarge, it may not be all in your head. They're both early signs of pregnancy.

You might also be having major mood swings (according to your partner, anyway—you're pretty sure you're being quite levelheaded and reasonable). This is all due to the hormones that are racing like Danica Patrick through your body. Those hormones are also responsible for the unimaginable exhaustion you might feel at all hours of the day.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Ideal weight gain in a New Born Baby

"What does the baby weigh?” and “how is the baby growing?”  This is the most common questions that parents hear from the moment a new baby arrives.  The weight of a newborn is often used as a marker of general health, so it makes sense that it’s something everyone is watching. Babies are called newborns during their first month of life. Although your newborn sleeps a lot, powerful changes are occurring in the major areas of development.

Child Growth ( image: WHO )

Weight and Changes

Most babies who are born full term (38-40 weeks gestation) weigh between 6-9lbs ( multiply the kilos with 2.2) Birth weight can be affected by many things such as pregnancy gestation at birth ( whether earlier or later than “full term”), baby’s gender, mother’s health during the pregnancy, parents’ build, nutrition during pregnancy, multiples birth or babies health at birth. Babies can be born outside of the average guidelines and still be completely healthy.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Severe vomiting: Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Nausea with or without vomiting is common in early pregnancy. Severe vomiting resulting in dehydration and weight loss is termed hyperemesis gravidarum and occurs infrequently. Symptoms usually resolve by mid pregnancy regardless of severity and therapy. Management of affected women depends upon the impact of her symptoms on her health.
Vomiting is a symptom which may be related to pregnancy or may be a manifestation of some medical-surgical-gynecological complications which can occur at any time during pregnancy. The vomiting is most of the time related to the pregnant state and is classified as simple vomiting of pregnancy (milder type) and hyperemesis gravidarum (severe type)

Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe type of vomiting of pregnancy which has got deleterious effect on the health of the mother and incapacitates her in day to day activities. There has been marked fall in the incidence during the last 30 years. Now the incidence is less than one in 1000 pregnancies. The reasons are better application of family planning knowledge which reduces the number of unplanned pregnancies, early visit to the antenatal clinic and the availability of potent antihistaminic and antiemetic drugs. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

13 Ways to sleep better when Pregnant

During pregnancy, it's not uncommon to contend with sleep disturbances. 

Mostly, these are the result of anxiety and stress, hormonal fluctuations, and 

physical discomfort. As your pregnancy progresses, you may find it more 

difficult to find a comfortable position, or you may have to get up several 

times during the night to empty your increasingly cramped bladder.

Sleeping on your left side may benefit your baby by improving blood flow – 
and therefore nutrients – to the placenta. It also helps your kidneys efficiently 
eliminate waste products and fluids from your body, which in turn reduces 
swelling in your ankles, feet, and hands.
It's a good idea to start training yourself early in pregnancy to sleep on your left side whenever you can. Of course, staying in one position all night isn't likely to be comfortable, so turning from side to side while favoring your left side is probably the best strategy.
As for sleeping on your back, avoid that position throughout pregnancy, especially in the later months. Here's why:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Are you ready for Fatherhood...?

If you are going to be a dad for the first time in your life …that too within nine months, expect how your reactions would be. You cannot explain. That is the great wonder of ‘being a father’. Though one is positive about his partner’s pregnancy, still you may have few doubts and confusion. First time pregnancy to your partner definitely stimulates feelings of fear and hope.
do not worry. It is okay to feel nervous about the delivery of your child. You need to educate yourself what you can do to support your partner during pregnancy. Enrolling yourself for childbirth classes along with your wife could help you to ease the tension. Fathers are often asked to accompany their wives at every session. Childbirth classes such as Lamaze classes train dads about labour and delivery. Birthing classes make dads ready to take part in the process of childbirth so that they can offer physical and emotional support to the mother. 
Discuss with your wife about hopes and dreams, fears and anxieties of becoming parents to a child.
Regularly go on walks along with your partner.
Talk about how to handle various things in the coming months and how to enjoy the pregnancy time.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Prenatal development: Week 2

Your uterine lining is thickening, and ovulation is getting ready to occur. Some women will actually feel ovulation, with a one sided pain called mittleschmerz (literally meaning middle pain). Getting to know your family's medical history is very important. About 75% of complications with pregnancy and birth can be identified at the first visit. Also learn more about getting pregnant and preconceptional health. During the second week of pregnancy, you will test positive but still may not show or experience any symptoms. During Pregnancy week 2, the bodily changes start and the real pregnancy begins. Pregnancy week by week should help you learn about the changes in the development of the embryo. The embryo develops into 150 cells divided into three layers, each of which has an important function to perform. The personality, appearance and complete bodily development of the baby are dependent upon the functions performed by these layers.


figure from Week 2

Baby’s Development

Of the three layers with 150 cells, the one inside will be developing into the digestive system and respiratory tract of the baby. It is called the endoderm. Liver, pancreas and thyroid will result from the development of this layer. The middle layer is called mesoderm. Bones, cartilage, muscles, genitalia and skin layers develops out of this layer. The third and last layer is called ectoderm. It develops into brain, skin, hair and nails of the baby.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

How much sleep does your baby need?

Most parents will tell you the first year with a new baby is a blur. The 

challenges of getting a child to sleep are many.
For the first few months your kid may have her/his days and nights confused.
 She/he may sleep all day and stay up all night—kind of the same schedule
 she'll keep when she/he's a teenager. But by three months old, just about
 the time when their parents are ready to send them back, most babies sort
 out day and night and start to sleep "through the night"

For some parents, getting their child to sleep on their own seems nearly 
impossible. To begin with, it's important to set up a series of sleep 
transitions before you run to pick them up.
Probably one of the main reasons that babies who don’t sleep through the 
night are such a big issue is that parents don’t have realistic expectations of 
the sleep patterns of babies. Babies were designed to wake up often at night
 to feed and cuddle, and keep in mind that many adults wake during the 
night, too. If our expectations for babies were not so different from our 
babies’ expectations for themselves, much of this “problem” might disappear.
When your baby is crying in the crib, some parents fear there is something
 wrong and tend to the baby. Allowing your child to settle themselves is a
 necessary achievement.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Prenatal development: Week 1

"It's been a momentous past couple of days - even if you don't know it yet."

Your last period has just started and you may be considering a pregnancy. Preconceptional health planning is a good idea. However, if you haven't started before now, make sure that you "act pregnant" until you know otherwise. Taking a prenatal vitamin, with 0.4 mg of folic acid (to help prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida -these are birth defects that are caused by incomplete development of the brain or the spinal cord) is a good idea. Discontinuing any form of chemical birth control, and avoiding other chemicals such as: alcohol, tobacco (even second hand smoke), x-rays, over the counter medications, and even discussing the prescription medications you are currently taking.
 Take the time to discuss with your health care provider any prescription drugs that you may be taking. This is a necessary precaution since many prescription and over-the-counter medications can, in fact, affect the fetus. However, consult with your doctor before you decide to stop taking your prescription drugs. Your doctor will help you understand the benefits and the risks involved in discontinuing your medical prescription.
Beware !
Ensure that your diet has adequate amounts of vitamins, especially folic acid Even when you are trying to conceive, it is important to take a folic acid supplement. Ask your doctor about this.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Homemade Foods are much better than Processed Foods

Parents who really want to avoid their kids take up chemicals; organic baby food is a essential to them. The great thing about these products is that they are reasonably priced and readily available in your regular everyday supermarket. This is a great convenience for parents who want to feed their babies organic baby food instead of the regular fair.
Most health conscious parents today prefers to make their own baby food with the use of healthy ingredients compared to buying them from the stores. With the increasing levels of pollution around the world and the scarcity of resources that causes many product prices to be high, preparing your own wholesome baby food at home seems like a better choice for you and your baby. Moreover, homemade foods are much better than processed food because processed food contains many preservatives and colorings that may have negative effects on the human body. With just a little effort and time, you can always make your own healthy food in the comfort of your own home. Here are some ideas and suggestions of wholesome baby food you can try and make your little angels.
Home-prepared baby foods can be equally nutritious and more economical than commercially prepared baby foods. With home-prepared baby foods, the parent or caregiver has more control over the variety and texture of food than with commercial baby foods.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy; however, one of the most significant pregnancy symptoms is a delayed or missed period.The onset and degree of pregnancy symptoms will vary within women. Many women experience them within days of conception, others take a few weeks before pregnancy symptoms kick in and a lucky few feel no discomfort at all. The early pregnancy symptoms listed here generally can be felt once implantation occurs (7- 11 days from ovulation) and will lessen after the first trimester. 
Pregnancy Symptoms
Understanding the signs and symptoms of pregnancy is important because each symptom may be related to something other than pregnancy. You may experience signs or symptoms of pregnancy within a week of conception. However, it is possible you may not experience any symptoms for a few weeks.Symptoms to watch for early on include a missed period, headaches, tender breasts, nausea and lower backachesIf you have been sexually active and are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to take a pregnancy test.
Read more below about symptoms:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pregnancy Test

All pregnancy tests measure the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the pregnancy hormone, in your body.  The test for pregnancy which can give the quickest result after fertilization is a rosette inhibition assay for early pregnancy factor (EPF). EPF can be detected in blood within 48 hours of fertilization. However, testing for EPF is expensive and time-consuming. 
Most chemical tests for pregnancy look for the presence of the beta subunit of HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood or urine. hCG can be detected in urine or blood after implantation, which occurs six to twelve days after fertilization. Quantitative blood (serum beta) tests can detect hCG levels as low as 1 mIU/mL, while urine test strips have published detection thresholds of 20 mIU/mL to 100 mIU/mL, depending on the brand. Qualitative blood tests generally have a threshold of 25 mIU/mL, and so are less sensitive than some available home pregnancy tests. Most home pregnancy tests are based on lateral-flow technology.

Home pregnancy tests are urine tests. They detect the amount of hCG in your urine, but only when it reaches a certain level. Some home pregnancy tests are more sensitive than others. More sensitive tests may be able to detect low levels of hCG a few days before your period is due. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pregnancy Nutrition

"You must eat double because you are not only eating for yourself, but for the baby in your womb as well” - is an old saying for pregnant women.

 It may be true that in pregnancy a woman has more access to food and other things. 
But, communities have ways to oversee foetal growth and development. 
They subject women to restrictions and recommendations regarding diet and activities.
 Much of the time such advice help to improve the health of the woman, too. But this is not always so, particularly when the health of a woman is already compromised by poverty, over-work and gender-discrimination.  

When pregnancies are frequent, food too little, and work heavy, women don't get enough time for their health to recoup. Nutritional stress leads to loss of iron, protein and fat stores entailing numerous problems and  complications. Not enough food throughout childhood and youth leaves women stunted, putting them at risk of obstructed child-birth. For fear of this, food is further restricted during pregnancy. People hope that a smaller baby will make birth easier, or possible. Food restrictions may not be adequate, however, to slim the foetus enough to drop the risk of obstructed labor. But, they will certainly worsen the nutritional status of die woman.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Newborn Jaundice

Newborn jaundice is when a baby has high levels of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellow substance that the body creates when it replaces old red blood cells. The liver helps break down the substance so it can be removed from the body in the stool. High levels of bilirubin make your baby's skin and whites of the eyes look yellow. This is called jaundice. Jaundice in newborns most commonly occurs because their livers are not mature enough to remove bilirubin from the blood. Jaundice may also be caused by a number of other medical conditions.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Well Breast Feeding Signs

MY SWEET.......

The WHO (World health organisation) and the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) emphasize the value of breastfeeding for mothers as well as children. Both recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. The AAP recommends that this be followed by supplemented breastfeeding for at least one year, while WHO recommends that supplemented breastfeeding continue up to two years or       more. While recognizing the superiority of breastfeeding, regulating authorities also work to minimize the risks of artificial feeding.
Not all the properties of breast milk are understood, but its nutrient content is relatively stable.
 Breast milk is made from nutrients in the mother's bloodstream and bodily stores.
 Breast milk has just the right amount of fat,sugar,water,and protein that is needed for a baby's growth and development.
 Because breastfeeding uses an average of 500 calories a day it helps the mother lose weight after giving birth.

Breast Feeding Techniques

Mother's milk provides all of the nutrients that a baby needs to grow and protects the baby against some illnesses. Women encouraged to breastfeed their babies.
There are different ways you can hold your baby when breastfeeding. Ask your nurse, lactation consultant or nutritionist about them. Choose the position that is most comfortable for you.
 Here are the basic steps:

a.    Hold your breast in one hand with your fingers underneath and thumb on top. Keep your hand back from the areola, the dark skin around the nipple. Your hand should not get in the way as the baby latches on. Your baby needs to get the nipple far back in the mouth to nurse so milk can flow easily.