Your Baby's First Year: Week by Week Guide
A week by week guide to your baby, here you'll find guidance and information on everything from bathing and feeding
your baby to founding good sleep habits, including information on feeding your baby, developmental milestones, safety, childhood illnesses, common problems, and
vaccines. Click a week below to learn about your baby’s week by week life and baby care Tips.
Your Newborn Baby's Week 1-Your new baby will use much of his/her time sleeping during these weeks. This week is referred to as quiet alert because your baby is often just looking around quietly. Normal newborns may lose up to 7% of birth weight in the first few days...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 2-Your baby will probably have two to four long sleep times and as many as eight to ten hours of awake time in 24 hours. Newborns tend to look at your eyebrows, your hairline, or your moving mouth. Your newborn will use most of his time either sleeping or eating. At first, wake your baby for a feeding if he is sleeping for more than four hours...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 3-This week your baby will be weighing around 8 1/2 pounds and measuring 20 inches .By the end of this week, your baby may lift his/her head temporarily and possibly move it from side to side when he/she's lying on his/her stomach...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 4-This week your baby's sense of taste is well-developed. Baby's nose develops right around the beginning of the 4th week. A newborn baby will begin exciting its head and looking from side to side. Your newborn baby won't be able to fully extend his arms and legs...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 5-For the first few weeks, your baby’s umbilical cord needs special care to keep it from getting infected. If your baby boy has been circumcised, his penis also desires to be protected from infection. Your baby gets everything he needs to live and grow through the umbilical cord. At birth this cord is clamped-off close to his body and cut. To help the base dry out and fall off, keep the stump uncovered by folding the diaper below the umbilical cord stump...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 6-At birth, a baby can weigh between 6 lbs and 9 lbs on average, there are many factors that can donate to variations in the newborn's weight, including the gestational age of the baby at birth, the size of the parents, if the baby shared the womb with relatives,...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 7-During 7th week of newborn baby’s hands should be mostly open now — ready to reach out to the world. Your baby's brain will grow about 5 centimeters during his/her first three months. Your baby is waiting up and alert for longer times. This week your baby force is able to track objects moving past the middle of her face now That means he/she can watch as you slowly move a toy from one side of his/her field of view to the other....Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 8-During 8th week of newborn baby’s physical development includes holding things in his/her hands at this point. Stick a rattle in his/her palm and watch his/her little fingers close around it...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 9-During 9th week of your newborn baby’s development in the field of speech and language starts in the womb where your unborn baby catches your voice and everyday sounds around your home. After birth your baby will identify your voice...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 10-During 10th week of your newborn baby’s physical development, he/she is decided to every expression you create and will try to copy you. This week your baby is becoming more and more interactive; smiling, cooing, and laughing may be common now...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 11-During 11th week of newborn baby to lift his/her head by taking his/her follow an interesting toy. At this age, your baby is sleeping less, and she/he is awake for longer periods of the day. She/he is nervous to learn about her world and family, and she may not always be interested in your choice of game...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 12-During 12th week of newborn baby can also bring his/her hands together, look at them, and then put them to his/her mouth to taste. Let him experiment with these wonderful tools by offering...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 13-Each week your newborn baby will grow fast and stronger. Speaking of his/her favorite toy, by week 13, the baby may be winking at his/her toys when they come into his/her field of vision, or baby may even be picking up that toy for himself (herself). Not only is the baby alternative that toy up, he/she is probably studying it thoroughly, with his/her eyes and his/her mouth...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 14-At 14 weeks, sturdy objects suspended within an arm's length of your baby make good toys. During this time, try to be tolerant when you hand him/her a toy. Give him/her plenty of time as he/she painfully tries to reach out and hold it. Practicing this sort of hand-eye coordination is important for his/her development...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 15-Your 15-week-old baby has possibly grown quite a bit, filling out with appropriate cheeks and a thick middle. The 15th week of baby is no longer the helpless little baby he/she once was, and is more than likely a lot more fun to be everywhere. If you haven't done so by currently, it may be a good time to get back to which you are,...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 16-During 16th week of baby boy, on average, will weigh just completed 6.8 kilograms, and the average baby girl will weigh around 6.2 kilograms. This week you may have observed that your baby watches his/her own hands. This skill takes hold somewhere between 16 weeks. Although you know that your baby's been able to see since birth...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 17-17 week old baby should include feedings every 4 hours during the day. This week your baby is dynamically interacting with his/her world. Reaching for people and things is currently a fairly common behavior. He/she may enjoy interacting with people...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 18-An average baby at 18 weeks old weighs around 6.3 kilograms , and measure around 65.5 cm. With each passing week, your baby grows stronger and stronger. Sometimes you might be speculating...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 19-Your baby can be taking shorter and less sleeps during the day. It’s important to reminder that at this age, it’s not important when they attain their sleep, but that they are averaging about 11 - 14 hours of sleep each day...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 20-An average week 20 baby will weigh around 6-7kilograms, and measure 25 to 25.5 inches. This is indeed a moving time for all parents as their baby grow and develop, and they begin to determine new things about their baby and his or her development. At over 20 weeks old, your baby should be very active, and will be displaying some more development in his or her single behavior. You'll notice a share more physical movement, actions, and even some babbling by your 5 months old child...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 21-During 21st week your child continues to be more and more active. This week your baby learns more about communication and verbal, you will begin to hear more and more two syllable sounds, such as “mama” or “dada (cha-cha)” or even “poppop”. 21st week of baby’s physical developments are might start seeing some teeth...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 22-During 22 week of newborn babies are clever to sleep through the night without feeding in the middle of the night. Whether your baby will break asleep for the whole night is another issue entirely...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 23-During 23rd week of newborn baby is probably talking up a storm, flapping, crowing, representing facial expressions and putting multiple syllables together. Your baby's first few weeks and months, she/he was gaining weight impartially fast...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 24-During 24th week of newborn baby’s teeth will be developed. 24-week-old baby may be able to support his/her own weight by standing straight on his/her legs. 6-month-old baby is still waking up in the middle of the night to be fed, you may want to slowly decrease the amount you feed him/her to eliminate this feeding altogether...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 25-This week your baby have come a long way together. The first half of his/her first year is nearly complete, and you have both learned a huge amount. By this time, most 6-month-old babies are able to sit up on their own and Stay up...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 26-During 26th week of your newborn baby may start to repeat consonant-vowel combinations, such as "ma-ma" and "cha-cha" your 26-week-old baby may be ready to start mingling with other children. Research has proposed that...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 27-27 weeks old, babies normally are able to pull themselves all the way up into a sitting position without any head lag. Most babies who are this age also need about 3 1/2 hours of sleep during the daytime, which may be spread out into several smaller rests or two longer ones. There is a big change in the relationship between your child and his/her food this month....Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 28-During 28th week your baby will continue to sound as she/he learns how to use his/her tongue, as well as how to shape his/her mouth to create and change sounds. Some of those loud outbreaks are nothing more than...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 29-During 29th week your your baby is also growing stronger and stronger. By the time your baby is 7 months old, he/she has probably had a number of different kinds of solid foods. Most of them have likely gone down without any issues. However, it is possible that you may have run into some unexpected difficulties after starting solids...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 30-Your 30 week old baby is now starting to understand dimensional galaxy. You may see his/her try to sort toys and blocks by size. She/he is probably also fascinated with his/her reflection and games like peek-a-boo, where people or his/her favorite toys withdraw and return. Your baby can see evidence...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 31-31 weeks old baby is more capable to learn his/her surroundings and identifying his/her parents or guardians. The baby may start socially engaging with you. His/her curiosity level has increased, and he/she is engaging with toys (especially phone type) and trying to new foods and testes...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 32-By this age, your baby's likely to be crawling. He/she can also pass an object from hand to hand. This week your baby's now discovering things by shaking, beating, dropping, and throwing them...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 33-Your 33-week-old baby will improve his/her balance and coordination, as well as developing his/her senses. You can play with him/her several useful games to improve the baby’s mental and physical growth. This may also be a time when you can start...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 34-By week 34, your baby might be able to stand while holding on to someone or something, play peek-a-boo, tendency, clap his/her hands, creep, and maybe even get up into a sitting position from his/her stomach, or pull into a standing position from sitting...Read More
Your Newborn Babay's Week 35-During 35th week of newborn baby should be able to think of definite information is his/her toys are saved in your home. This week your baby’s memory will be acting. Your baby’s memory will be developing in two to three weeks. By week 35, your baby has also probably believed out how to get into everything and the whole thing...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 36-During 36th week your baby speech in first words Mama or Dada. This week baby’s true personality will be developed. At this stage your baby becomes able to take his /her food by himself as he can drink from the cup without any help. Your baby has been awake and playing hard for 5 hours or so. Use the extended sleep time to get those little things...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 37-During 37th week of newborn baby is just start to realize many simple words and expressions. At this stage of the game, it's best to try to avoid the trend to use baby talk it can be fun, but reach the right words is better for your baby's development. This week your baby is Standing and Travelling. Her/his first independent steps are close at hand...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 38-In 38th week your baby's language skills continue to develop quickly. At this week your baby sit and walking to them. This week your baby is becoming more attached to you, he/she power also be becoming more attached to an object, like his /her offering...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 16-During 16th week of baby boy, on average, will weigh just completed 6.8 kilograms, and the average baby girl will weigh around 6.2 kilograms. This week you may have observed that your baby watches his/her own hands. This skill takes hold somewhere between 16 weeks. Although you know that your baby's been able to see since birth...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 17-17 week old baby should include feedings every 4 hours during the day. This week your baby is dynamically interacting with his/her world. Reaching for people and things is currently a fairly common behavior. He/she may enjoy interacting with people...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 18-An average baby at 18 weeks old weighs around 6.3 kilograms , and measure around 65.5 cm. With each passing week, your baby grows stronger and stronger. Sometimes you might be speculating...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 19-Your baby can be taking shorter and less sleeps during the day. It’s important to reminder that at this age, it’s not important when they attain their sleep, but that they are averaging about 11 - 14 hours of sleep each day...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 20-An average week 20 baby will weigh around 6-7kilograms, and measure 25 to 25.5 inches. This is indeed a moving time for all parents as their baby grow and develop, and they begin to determine new things about their baby and his or her development. At over 20 weeks old, your baby should be very active, and will be displaying some more development in his or her single behavior. You'll notice a share more physical movement, actions, and even some babbling by your 5 months old child...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 21-During 21st week your child continues to be more and more active. This week your baby learns more about communication and verbal, you will begin to hear more and more two syllable sounds, such as “mama” or “dada (cha-cha)” or even “poppop”. 21st week of baby’s physical developments are might start seeing some teeth...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 22-During 22 week of newborn babies are clever to sleep through the night without feeding in the middle of the night. Whether your baby will break asleep for the whole night is another issue entirely...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 23-During 23rd week of newborn baby is probably talking up a storm, flapping, crowing, representing facial expressions and putting multiple syllables together. Your baby's first few weeks and months, she/he was gaining weight impartially fast...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 24-During 24th week of newborn baby’s teeth will be developed. 24-week-old baby may be able to support his/her own weight by standing straight on his/her legs. 6-month-old baby is still waking up in the middle of the night to be fed, you may want to slowly decrease the amount you feed him/her to eliminate this feeding altogether...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 25-This week your baby have come a long way together. The first half of his/her first year is nearly complete, and you have both learned a huge amount. By this time, most 6-month-old babies are able to sit up on their own and Stay up...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 26-During 26th week of your newborn baby may start to repeat consonant-vowel combinations, such as "ma-ma" and "cha-cha" your 26-week-old baby may be ready to start mingling with other children. Research has proposed that...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 27-27 weeks old, babies normally are able to pull themselves all the way up into a sitting position without any head lag. Most babies who are this age also need about 3 1/2 hours of sleep during the daytime, which may be spread out into several smaller rests or two longer ones. There is a big change in the relationship between your child and his/her food this month....Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 28-During 28th week your baby will continue to sound as she/he learns how to use his/her tongue, as well as how to shape his/her mouth to create and change sounds. Some of those loud outbreaks are nothing more than...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 29-During 29th week your your baby is also growing stronger and stronger. By the time your baby is 7 months old, he/she has probably had a number of different kinds of solid foods. Most of them have likely gone down without any issues. However, it is possible that you may have run into some unexpected difficulties after starting solids...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 30-Your 30 week old baby is now starting to understand dimensional galaxy. You may see his/her try to sort toys and blocks by size. She/he is probably also fascinated with his/her reflection and games like peek-a-boo, where people or his/her favorite toys withdraw and return. Your baby can see evidence...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 31-31 weeks old baby is more capable to learn his/her surroundings and identifying his/her parents or guardians. The baby may start socially engaging with you. His/her curiosity level has increased, and he/she is engaging with toys (especially phone type) and trying to new foods and testes...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 32-By this age, your baby's likely to be crawling. He/she can also pass an object from hand to hand. This week your baby's now discovering things by shaking, beating, dropping, and throwing them...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 33-Your 33-week-old baby will improve his/her balance and coordination, as well as developing his/her senses. You can play with him/her several useful games to improve the baby’s mental and physical growth. This may also be a time when you can start...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 34-By week 34, your baby might be able to stand while holding on to someone or something, play peek-a-boo, tendency, clap his/her hands, creep, and maybe even get up into a sitting position from his/her stomach, or pull into a standing position from sitting...Read More
Your Newborn Babay's Week 35-During 35th week of newborn baby should be able to think of definite information is his/her toys are saved in your home. This week your baby’s memory will be acting. Your baby’s memory will be developing in two to three weeks. By week 35, your baby has also probably believed out how to get into everything and the whole thing...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 36-During 36th week your baby speech in first words Mama or Dada. This week baby’s true personality will be developed. At this stage your baby becomes able to take his /her food by himself as he can drink from the cup without any help. Your baby has been awake and playing hard for 5 hours or so. Use the extended sleep time to get those little things...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 37-During 37th week of newborn baby is just start to realize many simple words and expressions. At this stage of the game, it's best to try to avoid the trend to use baby talk it can be fun, but reach the right words is better for your baby's development. This week your baby is Standing and Travelling. Her/his first independent steps are close at hand...Read More
Your Newborn Baby's Week 38-In 38th week your baby's language skills continue to develop quickly. At this week your baby sit and walking to them. This week your baby is becoming more attached to you, he/she power also be becoming more attached to an object, like his /her offering...Read More
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