
Sunday, June 17, 2012

31st Week of Pregnancy: Your baby may move to the rhythm of music

During 31st week of pregnancy your baby is continuing to grow and has grown to over 15 ½ inches in length and weighs from 3 ½ -4 pounds. 

31st week of pregnancy your baby’s lungs are not fully matured.  Your baby’s arms and legs are fully developed. Your baby’s organs are continuing to mature. He/she is passing water from her bladder. This week your baby can now move his/her head from side to side. He/she skin has been wrinkled, now becomes smooth as fat cells fill out his/her body.  

31st week of pregnancy your baby’s fingernails have grown and he/she may even need a manicure after born. This week your baby’s immune system is substantially developed. The irises also respond to light and dark. A loud noise near you may cause your little one to jump. Baby may move to the rhythm of music. Your baby is still covered with lanugo and vernix, but once he or she gets more fat and meat on his or her bones, most of the vernix and lanugo will be shed. 

31st week of pregnancy your baby’s reproductive system continues to developed.  In boys, testicles are moving from the kidneys through the groin to the scrotum. In girls, the clitoris is visible, but the labia are still growing to cover it. 

31st week of pregnancy the pregnant lady weights gained in 3-4 pounds/1.3-1.8 kilograms. This week you will need additional stores of iron, it will help your baby’s oxygen supply. The best causes are dark green, leafy vegetables, red meat, dried beans and dried fruits. 

31st week of pregnancy the mother also experiences severe heartburn and leg cramps. The milk glands in the breasts start producing colostrum. Colostrum is the first milk . It is highly nutritious for the babies because it provides nutrients and calories in the initial stages till the breasts starts producing milk.

31st week pregnancy symptoms  

31st week of pregnancy symptoms are varicose veins, possible nasal congestion, more frequent urination, occasional headache, increasing clumsiness, forgetfulness, backache, lower abdominal pain, and difficulty sleeping. You are still feeling uncomfortable with the growing baby pressing on your body organs.  You may be feeling breathless and suffering from constipation, heartburn, frequent trips to the bathroom etc. 

31st week of pregnancy you might notice burning and numbness in your hands, which is a sign of carpel tunnel syndrome. This week during 25% pregnant women in pregnancy, hormonal effects, weight gain and swelling can compress the nerves inside your wrists. The resulting symptoms are tingling, numbness, and pain. 


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