By week 4, the embryo will be implanting itself in the lining of your uterus.
This gets your body to start producing the pregnancy hormone HCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin).
HCG is what tells your body that you are pregnant and to stop ovulating.
Home pregnancy tests measure HCG to check if you are pregnant.
Due date
Expected due date is calculated as being 280 days from first day of you last menstrual period (LMP).
The first day of your LMP is the first day of bleeding.
That is why it is so confusing for a lot of mothers who find out that they are pregnant and learn that it is already week 5...!
If your cycle is not 28 days, then you have make some minor adjustments:
For example, if your cycle is 26 days, then 278 days are added instead of 280
Since your cycle is shorter (by 2 days) from the 28 day cycle that is used in the calculation,
decrease the gestation period from 280 to 278 (decrease it by the same 2 days)
For example, if your cycle is 31 days, then 283 days are added instead of 280
Since your cycle is linger (by 2 days) from the 28 day cycle that is used in the calculation,
Fetal Development:
Taking root! Implantation occurs. Once the blastocyst gets to the uterus,
it searches for a spot to settle down. Blastocyst means "sprout pouch,"
and these cells begin to divide into two groups - those that form the placenta and those that form the baby. The blastocyst will burrow itself into the lining of the uterus which is called implantation.
At the end of this week, you'll be expecting your period(or hoping it won't come if you've planned your pregnancy).
Some of the first pregnancy symptoms are very similar to those experienced
at the time your period is due such as fatigue, breast soreness and mood swings.
Your focus from now on is to be healthy. Think, act, and eat healthy. Rest, eat right, and exercise in moderation.
You're doing everything for two, which means taking care of two people the very best that you can.
At 4 weeks pregnant, you may be experiencing any of the following pregnancy symptoms:
missed period, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, bloating, a feeling of fullness, light cramping, poor appetite, frequent urination, and breast tenderness. If you've had some minor in the past week, it may be implantation, which is not a cause for concern.
Some women have no symptoms at all which is perfectly normal. As soon as you discover you are pregnant,
schedule your first appointment with your OB/GYN or midwife. Early prenatal care is important.
After 4 weeks of pregnancy, a test will probably be able to detect your pregnancy. Pregnancy tests look for a special hormone in the urine or blood that is only there when a woman is pregnant.
This hormone, hCG, is the hormone that is measured in pregnancy test.
The hCG levels increase drastically each day you are pregnant.
Your Baby's Growth and Development at 4 weeks pregnant
The baby's brain, spinal cord, heart, and other organs begin to form. Your baby is now about 1/25 of an inch long (0.04 inches).Four weeks into your pregnancy, your baby (called an embryo) consists of two layers of cells -
the epiblast and the hypoblast that will eventually develop into all of your baby's organs and body parts.
Two other structures that develop at this time are the amnion and the yolk sac. The amnion, filled with amniotic fluid,will surround and protect the growing embryo. The yolk sac will produce blood and help to nourish the embryo until the placenta takes over that role.
The placenta has also started to form-it is producing hCG, among other hormones, which is an important hormone in pregnancy.
This week’s Pregnancy Checklist
Schedule your first prenatal appointment.
Ask your doctor’s office about starting prenatal vitamins.
Quit smoking or drinking alcohol now.
Contact local agencies if you think you will need financial assistance with medical care, food, or other assistance.
Contact insurance company to make sure of insurance benefits, health care providers, or to answer any questions you might have.
Start a pregnancy blog, journal or website for your baby.(optional but very useful to your mind)
Do you have a plan on how you'll find out about the pregnancy? Will the test be a joint effort? Some moms choose to have dad go and read the results. Be sure you've read the instructions and know how to properly read the test results.The words you say will be remembered forever.
How your life's changing
If your baby wasn't planned, this may be the first time you have inkling that you're pregnant. If your pregnancy test was negative or inconclusive but your period still hasn't arrived, you can repeat it now.It may seem an odd time but in fact it's a great idea to start an exercise routine now. Exercise helps you develop good muscle tone, strength and endurance. It helps you manage the extra weight you'll put on (or prevent you putting too much more on if you're already overweight), gets you fit for labour and makes getting your figure back after birth easier too. Choose a safe, moderately vigorous activity you like: walking and swimming are fine when you're pregnant.
You might also want to do some easy yoga stretches. You could join special classes adapted for pregnant women. Make sure the yoga instructors who teach you are qualified to instruct pregnant women and, if it isn't a class specifically for pregnant women, let the instructor know that you are pregnant.Know your limits and make sure you don't overdo it if you are new to exercise.
tag: embryo, pregnancy week 4, pregnancy, uterus, HCG, LMP, bleeding, gestation, fetal development, blastocyst, pregnancy symptoms, baby's growth, pregnancy blog, women, yoga
tag: embryo, pregnancy week 4, pregnancy, uterus, HCG, LMP, bleeding, gestation, fetal development, blastocyst, pregnancy symptoms, baby's growth, pregnancy blog, women, yoga
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