The first six days and the last six days of the cycle is considered safe for having intercourse without protection. For example,If the period begins on the 7th of the month then it is safe to have intercourse from 1st to 12th of the month.We would still advise you to use a condom as still there rare chances of pregnancy. It is better to be safe than sorry.
Regular period
Menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones and regular menstrual period occurs every month without any missing periods, depending upon your cycle length.
A variation of two to three days between menstrual cycles is normal and for some women, menstrual cycle is repeated almost regularly in every 28 days.
Although the period of the menstrual cycle can vary from 21 to 35 days, the average cycle lasts for 28 days.
Abnormal menstrual pattern
Menstrual bleeding normally lasts between two and seven days, with the average being five days and periods last for longer than seven days are
In Safe period Calculation, day 1-7 of a regular menstrual period lasting from 26 to 32 days are calculated as infertile or safe period; considering the 3-5 day life span of sperm cells in the female reproductive track. Post ovulatory infertility is calculated based on the fact that;
if ovulation occurs on 19th day, fertilization can result until 20th day of the cycle. Results may vary from person to person.
With the start of your menstrual cycle, many changes happen in your reproductive system. The two sets of ‘lips’ which enclose the outer part (the vulva) will increase in size slightly and you’ll grow pubic hair on the larger ones. And inside your body,at the same time, the vagina will be lengthening and the uterus expanding. To help moisten and cleanse it, the vagina produces fluid called a discharge.If you notice this white or yellowish stain in your underwear, it’s likely you’ll begin your periods in around 6 to 18 months. The discharge can be either In order to calculate safe period you should know little bit knowledge of menstrual cycle and the time period for which ovum and sperms survive.
Life of Ovum is 48 hours after ovulation while life of sperms is four days in female genital tract.
Ovulation is the process in which ova is shed from ovary so you should also know the date when ovulation will take place in your wife.The menstrual cycle, is commonly divided into three phases: the 'follicular' phase (pre-ovulatory phase), ovulation,and the luteal phase (post-ovulatory phase). The length of each phase varies from woman to woman and cycle to cycle,
though the average menstrual cycle is 28 days. Menstrual cycles are counted from the first day of menstrual bleeding.
The follicular phase (or proliferative phase) is the phase of the menstrual cycle; before ovulation, during which follicles in the ovary mature.
It ends with ovulation. The main hormone controlling this stage is estradiol.
Ovulation is the process in a female’s menstrual cycle by which a mature ovarian follicle ruptures and discharges an ovum.
The time immediately surrounding ovulation is referred to as the ovulatory phase. A woman gets pregnant around the days when ovulation occurs.
The luteal phase (or secretory phase) is the latter phase of the menstrual cycle. It begins with the formation of the corpus luteum andends in either pregnancy or degradation of the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine structure,involved in production of estrogen and progestogen, which is needed to maintain the endometrium, the inner membrane of the uterus.
The infertility period depends on the life span of sperm and on the life span of the egg. The average time of ovulation is the 14th day of an average length (28 day) menstrual cycle. Ovulation time vary for each individual, and can occur from 12th to 19th day of the cycle.
Sperm can live up to 3 to 5 days in a womans reproductive tract, so it is possible to become pregnant if unprotected sex occurs 5 days before ovulation.
The life span of the typical egg is relatively short, only around 24 hours. If fertilization does not occur within that time frame, the egg will die.
tag: safe days, sex, avoid pregnancy, intercourse, pregnancy, regular period, menstrual cycle, gynecology, calculations, safe period calculation, ovulation, uterus, follicular phase
tag: safe days, sex, avoid pregnancy, intercourse, pregnancy, regular period, menstrual cycle, gynecology, calculations, safe period calculation, ovulation, uterus, follicular phase
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