
Sunday, June 24, 2012

38 Week of Pregnancy: Your baby is ready to enter the world

During this week your baby is 6.8 pounds weighs and 19 ½ inches long. Your baby influence just scratches her in the womb as the fingernails have grown over the fingertips now. Baby's lungs continue to mature and her brain and nerve function are working better every day.

Your baby's internal organs and systems are now fully developed. She/he is ready to enter the world. His/her once roomy home inside your uterus has become cramped, and he/she has little room to spring out his/her arms and legs. Your baby might still have vernix (that creamy coating that protects the skin), but it is generally confined to skin wrinkles and folds and the back and neck. 

Your baby has had the muscles to suck and swallow amniotic fluid; waste material has been accumulating in his or her intestines. Cells shed from the intestines, dead skin cells, and lanugo hair is some of the waste yields that donate to meconium, a greenish-black substance that constitutes your baby's first bowel movement.

Your baby is currently full term, which means that if your baby were born today, he or she would be considered a full-grown baby. Your baby is still growing an ounce a day at 38 weeks pregnant. The baby’s hair and nails are increasing each day. You have been transient your immunity or antibodies to the baby via your placenta in the last few weeks. These will help your baby against infections till 6 to 12 months of age. 

38 Week Pregnancy Symptoms

Your baby might have stirred downwards, lower in your pelvis persuasive heavily on your stomach and urinary bladder. This is called “lightening”. This will add to your discomforts - you will find it difficult to walk and will need to make many trips to the bathroom. You will feel more frequent bouts of Braxton Hicks contractions during pregnancy week 38. 

Other 38 weeks pregnant symptoms include the well-known heartburn and frequent urination. Although you may be interested to reduce your water intake in order to decrease the need for urination, this is a foolish thing to do in this period. Most possibly you find it difficult to accomplish a comfortable position while standing, sitting or even lying down. 38 week of pregnancy you and the baby to have a healthy nutrition and to keep taking your prenatal vitamins. It is common during this period to have a stress test. This is something to be expected.

38 week of pregnancy it is normal to practice some swelling in your feet. Nonetheless in case you see swelling in your hands and face as well, you should announce your doctor, because you might be dealing with preeclampsia. You may feel more relaxed as your baby moves down ready to be born, although you will probably feel increased pressure in your lower abdomen. You are getting enough breath in and if you start breathing faster you will feel dizzy and get tingling in your fingers. 


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