During 22th week of pregnancy your baby weighs are 430 grams and 11 inches long. He/ she looks like a miniature
newborn baby. He/she eyes, eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed. The irises still lack pigment. This period your baby can hear all the sounds in your body. Your baby’s fingernails have grown to the end of her fingertips. The baby’s teeth buds are already beginning to form. Your baby is a boy his testes are beginning to descend from the pelvis in to the scrotum. This week your baby’s brain is rapidly developing. The brain will expand until your child reaches the age of five. Your baby’s heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope. Your baby’s nose is taking on a more defined shape as cartilage appears. This week your baby’s pancreas is developing steadily, which is essential for the production of some important hormones during their lifetime. The liver has started producing the various enzymes that are necessary to break down bilirubin.
During this week the pregnant lady weight gained between 5.4 and 6.8 Kg. this week the main symptoms are heartburn or indigestion, constipation, increased vaginal discharge, leg cramps, protruding navel, stretch marks, occasional faintness or dizziness. This week your uterus about ¾ of an inch above your belly button. This week your body hair is increased.
These weeks all the pregnant women will develop stretch marks. Stretch marks may also show up on your buttocks, thighs, hips and breasts.
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