
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Overcoming baby's sleeping problems: Night waking

Lots of babies, especially newborns, are night owls. During the day, they sleep, wake to feed, then after a little while, go happily back to sleep. At night, however, they seem much more unsettled, stay awake for longer, and often cry much more. Things usually get better when your baby is a few weeks old, but if they don’t you can try to reset her biological clock by helping her differentiate the night from the day.
  • Try to wake him/her at the same time each morning, however tempting it is to let his/her sleep longer, so you get some rest for a few more minutes.
  • Try waking him/her when he/she has slept for about four hours during the day, an even if she doesn't seem to want to feed, play with him/her and talk to him/her. When he/she wakes at night, keep the light dim and be a quiet and soothing as possible.
  • Don’t panic and change his/her bedtime routine. Night waking is usually a temporary issue, and resolves itself in most cases.

Daytime sleep

During the day, don't close his/her curtains when you put him/her to sleep and don't try to keep the house unnaturally quiet.

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