For the first week or two of your baby's life, you won't have a chance to find out if he enjoys the bath. Until the umbilicus falls off (and a circumcision, if any, heals), avoid giving your baby a bath. Instead, you must clean him without immersing his belly (and perhaps his penis as well) in water. The best way to do this is a sponge bath.
Are You Ready?
Because you want to get your baby clean, dry, and warm again as quickly as possible, have everything ready before you begin the sponge bath. Here's what you may need to have at hand:
• A towel on which your baby can sit or an empty portable tub in which he can sit
• A source of warm water (a sink or a large pitcher filled with warm water)
• Non-detergent soap
• Baby-safe shampoo
• A fine-toothed baby comb
• Baby-safe nail clippers
• Cotton balls and alcohol (until the umbilicus has fallen off)
• A washcloth (the softer the better)
• Cotton balls for washing the eyes (not necessary, but some babies like it)
• A towel, or even better, a hooded towel/robe
• Diaper cream
• A clean diaper
• A fresh set of clothes or pajamas