
Sunday, May 20, 2012

11th Week of Pregnancy

          During 11th week of pregnancy your baby 38mm long and 7 gram weight. Baby is moving slowly, fingers and toes are separated, lips come together, and you can search for imaginary nipples. Babies’ nails and hair have started growing. The irises will begin to develop. You can determine the sex of a baby by ultrasound. Your baby’s organs have fully developed.
              11th week of pregnancy the pregnant lady uterus is growing. Hormonal changes will cause frequent headaches. During this week your face and neck are dark patches as your body will producing more melanin (a hormone).This condition is called the mask of pregnancy or chloasma.
                Weight gain is the common factor in pregnant women. They can eat 300to 500 calories extra food per day. They can avoid junk food, you are getting a variety of fruits and vegetables and protein. 


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