
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

20th Week of Pregnancy: Baby’s brain continues to form and grow

During 20th week of pregnancy your baby is 6.5 inches long and 300 grams weighs. Your baby size of a mango.  The baby’s brain continues to form and grow. His/her teeth are beginning to appear and he/she can swallow. Your baby’s abdominal organs such as stomach, liver and intestines are now fully encased in the abdominal cavity. Your baby producing meconium. The girl baby, the uterus is formed even as the vagina develops. Your baby skin begins to thicken this week and will develop 4 layers. Your baby’s hair can also on the upper lip and eyebrows. This period your baby can use his/her senses and recognize the sensation of light, pressure, pain, and temperature.

           During this week the uterus reaches the level of the umbilicus and should now be approximately 180-220 millimeter. This week you can routine check in blood pressure, weight, blood sugar.   In this week weighs gain in 10-13 pounds. You can eat in fresh fruits and vegetables . These week you need to have a daily intake of 27-30 mg of iron content food are eating. Iron is also important since your blood volume has expanded to compensate for your body. The iron content foods are pork, spinach, dried beans, red meat, dried fruits.


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