
Friday, July 27, 2012

Your Newborn Baby's 23rd Week: baby will receive the Hib vaccine

During 23rd week of newborn baby is probably talking up a storm, flapping, crowing, representing facial expressions and putting multiple syllables together. Your baby's first few weeks and months, she/he was gaining weight impartially fast. A good healthy food is a really vital for your baby growth. Marketable baby foods available in the markets are similarly good for your baby as they don’t contain preservatives, added sugar or salt and above all these are available in meal sized portions for your baby that makes things further convenient for parents.

This week your baby is around 5 months old, He/she will have a definite partiality to you over anyone else. This development, also known as separation anxiety, comes from a preference for you and a dislike to new faces. This may also be an important time to review your 23-week-old baby's upcoming vaccinations

At his/her 6-month checkup, your baby will receive the Hib vaccine, to prevent bacterial meningitis. Babies at this age are jumping from milestone to milestone almost daily. They are beginning to learn how to move themselves around, even if it is just to roll over or shimmy a few edges.

This week your baby is learning and growing right before your eyes, while developing a like and dislike for certain things. While he/she has always chosen your touch and has been comforted by your smell, more than ever the baby will now demonstrate a definite preference to you over all different.

Another development for an infant of this age is the increasing number of ways he/she has learned to communicate his/her needs to you. Crying for everything is old hat these days.

Your child develop his/her language skills a few things


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