
Monday, July 30, 2012

Newborn Baby's 26th Week(6 months): You can help to develop language skills

During 26th week of your newborn baby may start to repeat consonant-vowel combinations, such as "ma-ma" and "cha-cha"

your 26-week-old baby may be ready to start mingling with other children. Research has proposed that these early social meetings actually do have a positive impact on later social skill development. Six-month-old babies are really exciting to play with because they are a slice stronger and more coordinated than they were when they were newborns. 

This week your baby will help his/her learn the basic sounds and simple words in his/her language. Reading short and simple books or stories to his/her is a great way to spend time together. The sound of your voice is still your baby's most favorite sound in the world. 

Your infant has grown quickly over the past months. It is quite common around the sixth month for this rate of growth to slow down slightly. At 26th week, your baby is likely able to pull up to a sitting position without any head lag. This week your baby turning to sounds and voices and may begin to respond to his/her own name and beginning to imitate speech sounds and talk in single syllables. 

26th week your baby reaching for and holding objects and enjoying some play time. This period your baby able to support his/her weight on his/her legs and exploring his/her environment with his/her hands and mouth. 

This week your baby is desire stimulation at this age, both physical and verbal. Help your baby tone both his large and small motor skills by really playing with him/her, and offering him/her toys like blocks, pots and pans, and telephones. If your baby seems social, encourage it by allowing people see him/her, but be careful about allowing them touch your baby, as illness can spread very easily. 

you can help your baby to continue to develop his/her language skills 


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