
Friday, August 31, 2012

Newborn Baby's 47th Week: milk is important for your baby’s brain and bone development

47 weeks old baby
During 47th week your baby is mastering his/her verbal skills naturally, there are few steps that you can take to speed up this process. To begin with, always talk to your baby in a clear tone. Speak each word properly and avoid talking to your baby in Baby Talk. Whenever you talk about anything, signal at that thing so that your baby will able to make connection of the word with object. 

Your baby is still learning and if you force them he/she might lose his/her interest and his/her learning may become slow. Always look for fun-oriented teaching methodology to keep his/her interest alive and also to pace up the process of learning. Encourage your baby for every right response. Repeat single thing several times before your child so that he/she understands it well.

This week milk is important for your baby’s brain and bone development. There are several ways to cut the cholesterol supply, while still providing your baby the nutritious milk necessary for his/her growth. Low cholesterol food is fish which is extremely good from health point of view. It is not only good and healthy food for adults, children also like it. Fish contain low fats, but highly rich in imega-3 oil.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Newborn Baby's Week 46: Some babies have started walking around

46 weeks old baby
During 46th week your baby has gotten the hang of finger foods; the next step is learning to use tools. Give him/her a toddler-sized plastic spoon and some cut or mashed food and show him/her how to maneuver it into her /his mouth. Each week your baby also makes advances in communication. His/her first words may have been mama or dada. 

Your baby's personality is really blossoming now. Her/his opinions are getting stronger and he/she isn't shy about expressing them. Your baby can now understand and shake his/her head no when he/she doesn't want to do something. She/he will also become excited and clap when he/she has mastered a new skill or task. 

This week some babies are more active than others. Whether your baby is too active or too slow to response, both conditions are equally thought provoking for the parents. Walking around in the house in semi-uncovered condition may increase the curiosity in your children. They might not think of anything else except to play with what they see in front of them. You have to make them realize that what is right and what is wrong. Drawing a line between dos and don’ts from this very stage will make your child understand so many different things.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tips for a healthy pregnancy

Being healthy before, pregnancy involves so many different aspects of your life. So, we've compiled a quick list to help you stay on the healthy side. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Postpartum Bleeding (Lochia)

Lochia is the name given to postpartum bleeding. Every woman who delivers a child, either vaginally or through cesarean section will experience this type of bleeding. It is the way in which your body expels excess mucus, placental tissue, and blood after giving birth. Lochia is very similar to the bleeding you experience during your menstrual period however, it is much heavier. It typically begins in the hours immediately following birth and usually continues for two or three weeks. However, in some women lochia can last for up to six weeks. 

Symptoms of postpartum bleeding

Postpartum bleeding usually begins as a bright red discharge from the vagina. This blood typically continues to be bright red in color for between four and ten days. After ten days, your lochia will become a pink color, eventually changing to a yellowish-white color. This blood flow may be constant and even, or it may be expelled in intermittent gushes. Postpartum bleeding may also be accompanied by numerous small blood clots, about the size of a grape. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Newborn Baby's 45th Week: developments, care,tips

This week, your baby continues to stress her/his freedom. This week your babies walking through house a pair of times. 45th week your baby understand more words now, but he/she is probably trying to speak more words as well. Your baby might be able to say several different words that clearly mean something to both of you. Listen closely and be sure to compliment him/her and respond. 

Your acknowledgement and attention are a reward and a great way to encourage your baby to continue learning and talking. At this age still engage more in parallel play, or playing next to each other. But he will quickly learn to play with others and now is a great time to introduce the idea. Look into playgroups in your area if you have trouble finding another baby close in age.

45th week of baby might concern in teeth are continually breakable and prone to certain other injuries irrespective whether these are baby teeth or adult teeth. Often times, a baby can chip his tooth as result of fall. Although, there is nothing to concerned about small chip that your baby’s tooth receive, yet sometimes these are not supposed to be ignored altogether. Whenever you notice a chip in your baby’s tooth, make certain that no sharp edges and bleeding of the gums occur.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bleeding during pregnancy: causes and symptoms

Vaginal bleeding can arise frequently in the first trimester of pregnancy and may not be a sign of problems. But bleeding that occurs in the second and third trimester of pregnancy can often be a sign of a possible complication.

Bleeding can be caused by a number of reasons. You should never wear a sexual intercourse if you are currently experiencing bleeding. If you are bleeding, you should always wear a pad or panty liner so that you can monitor how much you are bleeding and what type of bleeding you are experiencing.
Bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage but does not mean that miscarriage is looming.  

Bleeding affects 20%-30% of all pregnancies. Approximately half of pregnant women who bleed do not have miscarriages. Approximately 15-20% of all pregnancies result in a miscarriage, and the majority occur during the first 12 weeks. Signs of miscarriage include: Vaginal bleeding, Tissue passing through the vagina, stronger than menstrual cramps.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ultra Sound Scan During Pregnancy

An ultra sound is defined as high frequency of sound waves. Here your pregnancy test , this high frequency of sound waves is passed through your womb (uterus) in a short period which can able to identify the inner portion of your uterus. 

High frequency of sound waves bounces off the inner parts especially your baby and the sound waves are turned into a digital image which shows your baby’s present position and movements. When the sound waves bounce in hard objects such as baby’s bones the sound waves become bigger and will reflect in the image, as white. Soft tissues are become grey. Babies are lies in amniotic fluid which appear in the image as black because the sound waves easily go through the fluids.

The ultra sound tests to gives the first information about your baby’s developments during pregnancy. Your scanning center will give a printout of the scan image. Keep in mind that purpose of the scan is not to find out your baby’s sex. It uses for a brief examination of your baby is developing normally.

Sometimes some pregnancies doctor may advice Special scans. These scans will be carried out by a fetal medicine specialist (a doctor who trained in ultrasound) otherwise ultra sound scans usually done by sonographers who are trained in ultrasound. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Newborn Baby's 44th Week: immature bones and muscles become strong and mature

By 44th week your baby may start taking short walks while holding onto your hand. She/he also now understands what to do when you are dressing her/him and will staff out both arms and legs to help you. She/he may also be able to drink from a cup all by herself - although some babies may not do this for a few more months. 

Your baby has grown into a monkey as she/he starts to crawl, wiggle, and climb out of the crib, stroller, and highchair. Diaper changes will also become even more challenging because, honestly, who wants to lay there for a whole minute when there's discovering to do. Just be sure to move heavy, hot or otherwise dangerous objects at least 12 inches away from table and counter edges so they're safely out of reach of your baby's curious hands.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Newborn Baby's 43rd Week: your baby has started to walk

By week 43, babies are able to follow simple commands such as, increased knowledge, your baby's ability to communicate increases each week as well. It is probably becoming easier and easier to understand what he/she wants, as he/she begins to indicate this in ways other than crying.

This week your baby has started to walk. He/she is probably walking very well by now. He/she is at home you do not need shoes for his/her feet, but make sure you buy a strong solid pair if for when you leave the house, even it if is just to the front yard. If you go somewhere where your baby could do a lot of walking is sure you bring your stroller along as well. Chances are that although your baby will want to walk, his/her legs will tire quickly and he will want to ride as well.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Newborn Baby's 42nd Week: your baby becomes more mobile and independent

42 week of newborn baby is no doubt giving you plenty of exercise! She/he is constantly on the go and discovering new and faster ways to move. Now that he/she is crawling, maybe cruising and perhaps even standing for a moment or two without holding onto anything, your baby may be close to taking his/her first wobbly, unassisted steps. As time goes on, your baby will build confidence and will stand on his/her own for longer periods of time. The more time she/he has to practice using his or her legs, the stronger and more coordinated he/she will be.

As your baby becomes more mobile and independent, you may notice that he/she has a renewed appreciation for cuddling on your lap while you read a book or two at the end of the day. He/she is still your little baby and needs comforting and security after a day of exploring and playing. He/she is also taking a greater interest in the book's pages, and may stare at the images, babble to them, and try to touch them. He/she will love to help turn the pages too. Remember, the more sounds and words your baby hears, the more easily he/she will develop a vocabulary. Take time out each day for this wonderful, educational ritual.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Newborn Baby's 41st Week: to introduce cow's milk

At 11 months, your child is showing plenty of signs of leaving childhood behind and becoming a more independent toddler. This week your baby waiting to introduce cow's milk until a baby is 41 weeks old. There are several reasons to interval the introduction of cow's milk until your baby reaches his first birthday. Most important, breast milk offers the best nutrition for your baby, which is why doctors recommend moms nurse as long as they can. Also, a baby's digestive system sometimes doesn't absorb cow's milk proteins very well. Cow's milk has too much sodium, potassium, and chloride, which can tax your baby's kidneys, as well.

Cow’s milk doesn't have all the vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin E, zinc, and iron) that he needs for growth and development in his/her first year. Giving a baby cow's milk could even cause iron deficiency and internal bleeding. A great source of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A, milk will build your toddler's bones and teeth and help his/her body regulate his/her blood coagulation and muscle control . Almost all milk is fortified with vitamin D, which helps the body absorb the calcium it needs.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Colostrum, the first milk of a mother is known as liquid gold

Colostrum, the first milk of a mother is known to contain antibodies called immunoglobulins. Colostrum often has a yellow hue compared to breast milkColostrum is also known as "liquid gold" because of its fabulous health benefits to babies. Your first milk has taken a long time to come. Don’t worry it is normal. Talking about your first milk, there is an amazing "liquid gold" that typically supplies everything your baby will need during the first few days of his/her life. 

Colostrum contains antibodies to protect your baby from illnesses Colostrum, the first milk contains powerful white blood cells to provide numerous antibodies for your baby.

Colostrum can take useful prevention against harmful bacteria and funguses that may break your baby’s health and to get sick during his/her first few days.  According to the expert opinions that colostrum is closer to human blood and provides infant’s healthy formula through their remarkable ability to fight against disease and illness.

Colostrum also helps the baby in his/her first few days to encouraging the passing of his/her first stool. This stool is also called meconium. This clears excess bilirubin, a substance that causes newborn jaundice and waste-product of dead red blood cells, which is produced in large quantities at birth due to blood volume reduction, from the infant's body and helps prevent jaundice.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tips to Preventing Stretch Marks during Pregnancy

When you are in pregnancy stage, a lot of changes may occur in your body. These change not only your physical appearance but your mind also. Considering your physical changes, mainly your stomach will look like a balloon and other parts also match with the belle condition. But you prepare and accept these changes more vibrantly because your little one will soon come in your arms. However, you may know about developing stretch marks and worrying about it.

Here we will explain and give some useful tips for preventing your stretch marks during pregnancy. 

Collagen, a group of naturally occurring proteins caused the Stretch marks during pregnancy. The collagen mostly develops in the middle layer of the skin. During pregnancy your stomach skin is stretched repeatedly past the breakdown point, the body will automatically try to pay off by sending more collagen to the over stretched place. The excess collagen is caused to develop stretch marks or scar like tissue. Examiners in the field of pregnancy say that the possibility of your stretch marks during pregnancy will increase if your mother had stretch marks during pregnancy. But this is not a 100% sure statement. You can do a lot of to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy: Useful Tips

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Newborn Baby's 40 th week Developments and Tips

During this week your baby may standing his/her own feet with a few seconds. Mostly the baby may walk with the help of an object. Some baby’s physical development is little fast than common facts. During this week your baby may able to rise his/her feet and catch objects dangerously. So be careful not to leave any sharp edged big objects in front of the baby. Not to leave any big toys because some baby’s may climb up the toys.
Inspire your baby's increasing abilities especially their high volt energetic skills. You can make your own obstacles for him/her to cross it and develop their balanced walking. You can decorate your sweet obstacles using pillows, piles of cloths, even yourself in his/her way and let his/her figure out how to get to where he/she wants to go.

Commonly baby may say firstly "Dada (cha cha)"this is because it’s an easier sound to make. ‘Mama’ takes more energy to bring the lips together. During this week your baby may understand many simple words and phrases. This is the very beginning of his/her language development, so it's more essential to keep talking to him/her. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Newborn Baby's 39th Week Tips and Facts

During 39th week your baby is stand-alone without any support. By this week, babies will most likely try to clap his/her hands with music on and may even move his/her upper body. This week he/she is more active, more energetic and more responsive than he/she was few weeks back. He/she is now able to speak few words and even starting eating from your plate as well. 

This age, babies are able to make correct inferences about original objects, sounds, animals, and people that they have never experienced because they can fit them into categories of events that they've previously experienced. 

This week your baby can do some objects to move and change its position more quickly without your help. 

You should more aware about select his/her toys. These stage your baby getting more energetic and him/her thrown their toys and things even into your face. So you’ll be preference a lot of dropped stuff. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Newborn Baby's Care in the Delivery Room

The birth of a baby is one of life's most extraordinary moments . Newborn babies have marvelous abilities; however they are completely dependent on others for every aspect - feeding, warmth, and comfort. Amazing physical changes occur with birth. When the baby is delivered, the umbilical cord is cut and clamped near the navel. This ends the baby's dependence on the placenta for oxygen and nutrition. As the baby takes the first breath, air moves into the lung airways.

Before birth, the lungs are not used to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, and need less blood supply. The fetal circulation sends most of the blood supply away from the lungs through special connections in the heart and the large blood vessels. When a baby begins to breathe air at birth, the change in pressure in the lungs helps close the fetal connections and redirect the blood flow. Now, blood is pumped to the lungs to help with the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Some babies have excess amounts of fluid in their lungs. Stimulating the baby to cry by massage and stroking the skin can help bring the fluid up where it can be suctioned from the nose and mouth.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Newborn Baby's 38th Week: baby walking is a major developmental milestone

In 38th week your baby's language skills continue to develop quickly. At this week your baby sit and walking to them. This week your baby is becoming more attached to you, he/she power also be becoming more attached to an object, like his /her offering, a toy, or a favorite blanket. 

Your baby may also form such an attachment if there is a big change in your baby's environment. If you have started exit your baby at a new child care worker or with family more often, or if you move into a new, bigger house, your baby may possibly attach him/her to something for comfort. 

During 38th week your baby is growing more awake of the people around him/her. This week your baby’s understanding of emotions is getting stronger and he/she is very sensitive to your emotions – if you get upset he will probably also get upset. Your baby may show emotions of excitement, fear, obstruction, joy and anger at this stage. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Newborn Baby's 37th Week: your baby is Standing and Travelling

During 37th week of newborn baby is just start to realize many simple words and expressions. At this stage of the game, it's best to try to avoid the trend to use baby talk it can be fun, but reach the right words is better for your baby's development. 

This week your baby is Standing and Travelling. Her/his first independent steps are close at hand. Your baby's language skills continue to develop quickly, too. He/she may point or use other meaningful signals, such as sign language or gesturing bye-bye. This month your baby’s communication skill will be improved. 

During this period she/he is experimenting with new sounds and easing syllables together. This week your baby is smart and he/she is starting to figure out that you are Mom and Dad and that you provide everything he/she needs. He/she might get horrible that the other person will not be willing to give him/her what he/she wants, whether it is a toy or food. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Newborn Baby's 36th Week: your baby speech in first words Mama or Dada

During 36th week your baby speech in first words Mama or Dada. This week baby’s true personality will be developed. At this stage your baby becomes able to take his /her food by himself as he can drink from the cup without any help. Your baby has been awake and playing hard for 5 hours or so. Use the extended sleep time to get those little things taken care of around the house that you may not have had time for before.

This month focuses your baby will be on the usual physical and developmental assessments: your baby's weight, length, and head circumference, and how they way against his previous stats. The pediatrician will also look for certain skills such as sitting independently, reaching and pulling up, searching for hidden objects, recognizing and responding to words such as his/her name and "bye-bye" or "no," playing social games such as peekaboo, and using signs to communicate, such as pointing or fluttering. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Labor pain

Some women experience very different signs of labor pain. There are several hormonal and physical changes may indicate the beginning of labor
There are three stages of Labor pain.

The first stage starts with the onset of uterine contractions that open up the cervix or the mouth of the uterus to about 10 cms. Generally this lasts for 8-14 hours. Pain usually deepens towards the end when the contractions become frequent and stronger. This time your cervix is 4-5 cms open. 
The second stage your cervix is fully dilated and is completed with the birth of the baby. This stage lasts for 1-2 hours for the first baby.
The third stage starts immediately after the birth of the baby and concludes with the delivery of the placenta. It takes 15 mts to one hour. The delivery of the placenta is accompanied with some amount of bleeding. The episiotomy is stitched immediately afterwards.


The process of your baby relaxing or lowering into your pelvis just before labor is called lightening. Lightening can occur a few weeks or a few hours before labor. Because the uterus rests on the bladder more after lightening, you may feel the need to urinate more frequently. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Newborn baby's 34th week: should be able to recall specific information

By week 34, your baby might be able to stand while holding on to someone or something, play peek-a-boo, tendency, clap his/her hands, creep, and maybe even get up into a sitting position from his/her stomach, or pull into a standing position from sitting. 

This week you are getting ready to run to the store to pick up a few things. Your favorite sitter is there, and you take your purse, and head for the door. Separation anxiety is a normal developmental issue that may happen as early as 6 months, and often has a highest between 12 and 18 months. It may continue throughout the childhood years, recurring when there are major changes in your little one's life.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Newborn baby's 35th week: your baby’s memory will be acting

During 35th week of newborn baby should be able to think of definite information is his/her toys are saved in your home. This week your baby’s memory will be acting. Your baby’s memory will be developing in two to three weeks. By week 35, your baby has also probably believed out how to get into everything and the whole thing. 

Even though he/she is still a few months away from walking, he/she might already be creeping, butt scooting, and maybe even rising her/his way into trouble. It is even possible that your baby might begin to try travelling. The first step in acquiring language understands what people are saying. She/he will be developing her verbal skills. At first, it all must sound like a heap of sounds.

This week you can inspire him/her to practice by waving back, saying goodbye before you duck around a doorway, and then back into view for your return celebration. This week your babies usually range from 25.25 inches long and 6.92kg to 28.5 inches long and 9.29 kg. At this age, babies know when a set of two or three events have occurred, and they will anticipate a specific number of next events to take place. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Newborn Baby's 33rd Week: you can start introducing finger foods

Your 33-week-old baby will improve his/her balance and coordination, as well as developing his/her senses. You can play with him/her several useful games to improve the baby’s mental and physical growth.

This may also be a time when you can start introducing finger foods such as O-shaped toasted oat cereal or other low-sugar cereal. Eight-month-old babies are tremendously energetic for interesting to absorb new information around his/her world. They are watching and imitating to you and taking in everything around them. Several babies will have learned how to move themselves about whether it is by crawling, shimmying, or scooting. While it is possible, it's not likely that babies will be walking unassisted at this point. 

33 week of old baby are also learning so much about their environment, as well as their expanding role in it. As your baby begins to comfortably explore his/her surroundings, you may notice that his/her gabbling has increased. Your baby is constantly learning about his/her language and continues to listen to your words, watching your mouth intently as you speak. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Newborn Baby's 32nd Week: started standing and travelling round the room by holding on to furniture

By this age, your baby's likely to be crawling. He/she can also pass an object from hand to hand. This week your baby's now discovering things by shaking, beating, dropping, and throwing them. This week your baby will start to be interested by toys that have specific functions, such as phones. If he/she can't hold it up to his/her ear himself, do it for him/her, and invented to have a conversation. Over the next few months, he’ll (she) start to use objects properly. You’ll find him/her trying to brush his/her hair, drink from a cup, and babbling away on his play phone.

This week your baby may have started standing and travelling round the room by holding on to furniture. 32-week-old infant has the ability to sleep for 10 to 12 repeated hours without a feeding. Also during this time in your baby's life, you may choose to start weaning your baby off of breast milk. However, make sure to wean your baby to formula rather than regular milk products. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Overcoming sleeping problems in your baby

By 3or 4 months, most babies start to sleep 15 hours a day. You may still be getting up once or twice a night for feeds at the beginning of this stage, but by the time your baby in 6 months she/he will be physically capable of sleeping thought the night. He/she will about 14 hours of sleep a day and may sleep for as long as 7 hours. He/she no longer needs a feed during the night.

By 9 months to a year, your baby will probably be sleeping for about 10-20 hours at night and napping twice a day for an hour and a half to hours at a time. Lot of babies, especially newborns, is night owls.  During the day, they sleep, wake to feed, then after a little while, go happily back to sleep.

You can prevent a lot of future sleeping problems if you try to establish a consistent bedtime routine as early as possible. Start the routine in the same way every evening. A bath is ideal, because it is both fun and relaxing. Your baby still has a bed time feeding, give it to him/her in his/her room, so he/she understands this to be a friendly and familiar place etc. put your baby into his/her cot. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bathing and washing your baby: Useful Tips

A large part of taking care of your new baby day today will be keeping his/her clean. A new born baby’s skin is slight and easily irritated by sweating, urinating or slavering. Covering and tailing or sponge bathing is quite enough to keep him/her clean, but most babies love being bathed and bath time will quickly become an important part of your daily routine together.

There are plenty of products available designed to make bath time easier for you, but make sure that you only buy products proposed for use on babies. Adult shampoos, soaps and chemicals to be safe for your baby’s slight skin. 

Equipment for bathing

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Newborn Baby's 31st Week: The baby may start socially engaging with you

31 weeks old baby is more capable to learn his/her surroundings and identifying his/her parents or guardians. The baby may start socially engaging with you. His/her curiosity level has increased, and he/she is engaging with toys (especially phone type) and trying to new foods and testes. During this time, you can start new foods. But one thing, It's more important to be aware that the selection of new foods is little bit complicated. It may cause infant diarrhea or constipation.

During this week you can develop new skills and even seeing new skills your child is presenting day by day.

You may notice that her jabbering has increased. The baby is discovering more about the things around him/her and they wants to tell you what about they see. The baby will try to ask you about them. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Newborn Baby's 30th Week: Diet is more important

Your 30 week old baby is now starting to understand dimensional galaxy. You may see his/her try to sort toys and blocks by size. She/he is probably also fascinated with his/her reflection and games like peek-a-boo, where people or his/her favorite toys withdraw and return. 

Your baby can see evidence of this not only in his/her crawling and movement, but also when you attempt to do something the baby is opposed to, like putting his/her into the stroller or changing his/her diaper. She /he can probably also now straighten his/her back and twist his/her trunk when he/she sits. 

By 30 weeks old, your baby may be pulling himself (herself) up to a standing position and staying there for a few moments. This week your baby will also be absorbed by toys that have specific functions, such as phones. 

About Your Baby’s Diet

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Newborn Baby's 29th Week: The first painful cries of a teething baby

During 29th week your your baby is also growing stronger and stronger. By the time your baby is 7 months old, he/she has probably had a number of different kinds of solid foods. Most of them have likely gone down without any issues. However, it is possible that you may have run into some unexpected difficulties after starting solids. 

Your 7-month-old baby may be going through a new stage teething. The first painful cries of a teething baby can be very difficult to figure out. Teething can be difficult to diagnose because there is little observable evidence to guide parents to the source of the discomfort.

Babies this age love it makes them feels powerful and secure. Your baby will start getting the hang of self-feeding, so allow his/her to experiment with plenty of healthy, safe choices. Try whole-grain crackers, bread or bagels, cooked pasta, pea-sized chunks of cheese and tiny bits of ripe fruit or steamed vegetables. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Newborn Baby's 28th Week(7 month): The eyesight of a newborn baby is about 8–10 inches

During 28th week your baby will continue to sound as she/he learns how to use his/her tongue, as well as how to shape his/her mouth to create and change sounds. Some of those loud outbreaks are nothing more than an experiment to see how far he/she can project his/her voice. Your baby now has enough coordination to be able to pass a toy from one hand to the other. This also means he/she may be ready to start feeding herself(him), so try some soft finger foods such as ripe fruit or Cheerios.

Your baby is concentrating on fine-tuning his/her fine-motor skills; the games that he/she'll enjoy the most will be open-ended play. One of the best toys you can buy at this age is a set of stacking cups. They're extremely cheap and you'll be surprised at how many different games you can play with them. Try floating them in the bath or filling them with water and watching them sink.

28th week of babies may be able to pull them up to a standing position. A 7-month-old baby boy, on average, will weigh in at 8.16 kg and the average baby girl will weigh about 7.71kg. The boys in the 50th percentile for height will top the charts at 27 inches "tall." A 7-month-old average baby girl will measure up to 26½ inches. Your baby will enjoy playing for longer periods of time.