Colostrum, the first milk of a mother is known to contain antibodies called immunoglobulins. Colostrum often has a yellow hue compared to breast milk. Colostrum is also known as "liquid gold" because of its fabulous health benefits to babies. Your first milk has taken a long time to come. Don’t worry it is normal. Talking about your first milk, there is an amazing "liquid gold" that typically supplies everything your baby will need during the first few days of his/her life.
Colostrum contains antibodies to protect your baby
from illnesses Colostrum, the first milk contains powerful white blood cells to provide numerous antibodies for your baby.
Colostrum can take useful prevention against harmful bacteria and funguses that may break your baby’s health and to get sick during his/her first few days. According to the expert opinions that colostrum is closer to human blood and provides infant’s healthy formula
through their remarkable ability to fight against disease and illness.
Colostrum also helps the baby in his/her first few days to encouraging the passing of his/her first stool. This stool is also called meconium. This clears excess bilirubin, a substance that causes newborn jaundice
and waste-product of dead red blood cells, which is produced in large quantities at birth due to blood volume reduction, from the infant's body and helps prevent jaundice.
Colostrum contains healthy nutrition which content high level of protein and low level of sugar and fat. This is because of Colostrum is consider as ideal first food for the baby or liquid gold. Not only in terms of nutrition, but for the baby to be capable his/her digestion more easily than other dietary supplements such as infant formula.
Some mothers may little worry about their first milk (colostrum) because of its small quantity. They think sincerely that their colostrum is not sufficient baby’s nutritional needs. But don’t worry; this smaller amount is sufficient and it also helps the baby’s gastrointestinal system.
Remember that your baby has not needed to digest his own food, so the smaller quantity in each feeding is sufficient for your baby
. He/she is a newcomer and this is the first time to starting to live outside the mother’s uterus and digesting his/her own food.
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