
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Newborn Baby's 32nd Week: started standing and travelling round the room by holding on to furniture

By this age, your baby's likely to be crawling. He/she can also pass an object from hand to hand. This week your baby's now discovering things by shaking, beating, dropping, and throwing them. This week your baby will start to be interested by toys that have specific functions, such as phones. If he/she can't hold it up to his/her ear himself, do it for him/her, and invented to have a conversation. Over the next few months, he’ll (she) start to use objects properly. You’ll find him/her trying to brush his/her hair, drink from a cup, and babbling away on his play phone.

This week your baby may have started standing and travelling round the room by holding on to furniture. 32-week-old infant has the ability to sleep for 10 to 12 repeated hours without a feeding. Also during this time in your baby's life, you may choose to start weaning your baby off of breast milk. However, make sure to wean your baby to formula rather than regular milk products. 

This week your baby physically, they may be able to crash a couple of blocks together like clapping, but it is not quite as easy for infants at this stage to stack blocks on a flat surface. That skill requires yet more fine motor abilities. 

Eight-month-old infants are more likely engaging in large motor talents, such as rolling, doing the Rambo crawl, throwing things, kicking, and pulling socks off. They may also begin to crawl. On average, an 8-month-old baby boy will weigh in at about an 8.73 Kg and the average baby girl will weigh about 7.71 kg. Boys in the 50th percentile for height will top the charts at 27½ inches tall. An 8-month-old average baby girl will measure up to 27 inches tall.

Tips for 32 week of newborn baby

  • Try to give your baby a wide variety of foods to try. 
  • Sticking to the same items for too long could create a dislike to new and different tastes and qualities. 
  • Limiting your baby's access to sweet-flavored items can also help to make the greens go down easier.
  • Baby Care Topics: Feeding your baby|What should my baby wear? |Bathing and Washing your Baby


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