
Friday, September 21, 2012

Caring for your babies milk teeth

Caring for your babies milk teeth
You should clean your baby's teeth twice a day that helps your baby to avoid teeth problems later on. 
Your baby's first tooth will most likely be a bottom front one, appearing when he's about six months old. However, a few babies are born with a tooth through already. Others are still toothless when they're one. Your baby will eventually have 20 milk teeth, all of which should be through by the time he is about two and a half years old. 
It may seem a long way off now, but it's best to carry on brushing your child's teeth for him until he's at least seven. By that age, he should be able to do it properly for himself. 

Which toothbrush should I buy? 


Sofia@baby clothes said...

Definitely, even at an early age we should ensure that we always take good care of our babies teeth though they call it milk teeth. It's one way also of valuing our precious baby's overall health. There are so many toothbrush for babies in the market but we only choose the one that is soft and not hard to protect the gums of our kid. This article is definitely helpful!

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