
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Newborn Baby's 48th Week: your baby is very near to his/her first birthday

48 weeks old baby
48th week your baby is very near to his/her first birthday. Time really flies too fast. Last year at this stage, you didn’t even think of this big moment. One year has passed so quickly and your baby is getting more active, energetic and strong. Throughout the development of baby, it is perhaps a big occasion for you than your baby. He/she is too young to understand the concept of time and may not be able to understand it for another couple of years.

This week your baby may or may not be walking yet, but he(she)'s certainly trying to get around. He/she cruises on furniture, holds your hands while taking steps, and may not even want to sit down. This is a major milestone, though babies may take that first unassisted step at anywhere from 8 to 15 months. You can help him/her walking skills be giving his/her a sturdy push-pull toy, and placing furniture in strategic areas to encourage his/her cruising.

At 48th week old, babies usually range from 27.25 inches long and 17.5 pounds (10th percentile) to 30.25 inches long and 23 pounds (90th percentile). Your baby's appetite will go through many changes and about this time it might drop, even while his/her interest in food increases. Babies usually triple their birth weight by their first birthday, but only gain a few pounds between the first and second. Don't worry about your baby not eating enough, he/she will eat all he/she needs, and will learn to stop when he/she is full. 

Your baby is now able to stand without holding on and may be taking a few steps all by him(her)self. He/she will be very unsteady on his/her feet at first and will stumble and fall frequently. While standing, your baby probably keeps his/her legs spread far apart to aid his/her balance. You may also notice that your baby's feet are nearly flat and that his/her toes point in a bit as he/she steps. This is absolutely normal at this age and his/her feet will straighten as he/she learns to walk better. 

Signs of 48th week 

This week you will now start noticing a change in your baby’s appetite. It might happen that his/her appetite drops a little by this time, while his interest in foods may rise. Since the time of birth to first birthday, the weight of the babies normally triples. However, he/she only gains few pounds between his/her first and second birthday. If you feel that your baby is not having enough diet, don’t worry he/she is already taking enough for his/her needs. 
Baby Care Topics: Feeding your baby|What should my baby wear? | Bathing and Washing your Baby | Overcoming sleeping problems in your baby

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